I came home from work yesterday and essentially fell asleep sitting up. I progressed from there to bed. It wasn’t a particularly difficult day but apparently I had some catching up to do in the sleep department. Sometimes that transition from Sunday to Monday is, as they say “killer”.
There was plenty going on around town yesterday.
- The Howard Hughes Corporation broke ground on a new phase of development with many notables in attendance.
- The County Council had a work session in the budget and considered hcpss needs.
- The County Executive is increasing his budget proposal for hcpss to address class size in Title I Schools
- HCPSS held a StoryStrong event at Long Reach High School.
Wow. I just noticed how school-heavy that list is. What else was going on around town yesterday? If it was happening after four thirty I slept through it, alas. But maybe you can fill me in.