Sunday, January 13, 2019

It’s Here!

The first snow of the season has arrived. There may be more today, if I am reading the forecast correctly. Kids will likely be enjoying some outdoor playtime today. Teachers may be wondering whether a Monday snow day is in the offing, and at some point today high school students will turn up on Twitter haranguing the school system with pleas, threats,and hard luck tales meant to influence their decision for tomorrow.

This is also the first big snow of the Ball administration. HoCoGov watchers will be keeping an eye out to see how the new team handles the winter weather event. There will be the inevitable comparisons between administrations amongst those with partisan leanings. Most folks, I think, just want to feel safe and secure in knowing that the County knows what to do when it snows.

So far this isn’t a cover the entire car and render most streets impassible snow, which is a very good thing. We’ll see how the day goes. People will be looking to keep up to date by checking County social media accounts or going to the Howard County Government website. There will be anxious attention to the snow plow tracker. And some folks will react by doing the same thing they always do: picking up the phone to ask a question or to request assistance. The County will need to be on top of that, too. Constituent services are the heart and soul of county government, in my opinion.

If it gets significantly worse people will be looking for social media outreach and assistance from their County Council representatives. I’ll be keeping an eye out for that, as well.

I do not know if this particular storm qualifies for the obligatory “County Exec in his after-hours attire meeting with the Emergency Preparedness Weather Team”* photo. I have to admit I am kind of hoping for one to see who all is around the table. But they certainly shouldn’t scramble to produce one on my account. I’m pretty sure they are all busy getting the job done.

Everyone at my house is too old to go sledding. I sure hope we have some neighborhood kids who take advantage of the hill right outside our front door. Our plan for the day involves music, crafting, and possibly watching a movie together. This seems like the ideal time to watch the second Paddington movie, since we’re all caught up with Dr. Who. And I’m still working on Michelle Obama’s book.

Wishing you warmth and a wonderful snow day.

*probably not the official title