Thursday, January 31, 2019

Keep it Going

Yes, I took the Baltimore Sun/Howard County Times to task for missing the opportunity to mark our historic election on their front page. Actually, a lot of folks did. Although It’s hard to know if there’s any connection whatsoever, HoCo Times published a whole bunch of pieces about race and diversity over the weekend, 

This was one of those times when being a subscriber helped. Otherwise I would have exceeded my monthly limit.

Love is colorblind: Since Columbia's early days, interracial families have found acceptance in Howard County, John-John Williams IV

Diversity by the numbers: As Howard County has grown, so has its racial and cultural mix, Christine Zhang

Q&A: How has Howard County's diversity shaped your perspective?, John-John Williams IV

As Ellicott City's Korean community grows, residents learn the language to connect with their neighbors, Mike Klingaman

Columbia artist brings hip hop culture to Slayton House exhibit, Allana Hanes

There’s also a “Three Things to Know” piece by Janene Holzberg about the director of FIRN from January 9th.

What does this all mean? It does feel like a sudden onslaught of diversity, although I of course haven’t done any scientific study and I have no statistical analysis. I think it’s great. I hope it isn’t merely because Black History Month is upon us and someone thought they should ramp up the diversity coverage. 

I like it. If you like it, you might want to let them know. Oh, and subscribe. So they can keep writing pieces that reflect all of Columbia/Howard County.