When I first moved to Columbia I got lost almost every time I left the house. I wrote detailed directions on how to get to the Long Reach Safeway and the Owen Brown Giant. In fact, my husband broke down and bought me my first cell phone after I ended up at a pay telephone at a convenience store near Long Gate, unable to find my way home.
When I traveled to as many as nineteen elementary schools, teaching Music and Movement to preschoolers in the RECC Program, I printed out directions from Yahoo and kept them in a folder in my car. I discovered how dependent I was on them when one day I needed to travel between two schools that I had never before taught on the same day. It was a test as to whether I could find something by dead reckoning, and it was a rather hairy experience. But I made it.
Over time I have become acclimated to Columbia’s quirky layout. More or less. GPS makes everything easier, so it’s hard to tell. And boy, has cataract surgery made reading address numbers a breeze!
All of this came to mind this morning when I saw this exchange on Twitter:
He: 5 years in Maryland and I’m still lost.
She: Unless you’re in Columbia there is no excuse.
How about you? Do you find it easy to navigate Columbia/HoCo? Does it drive you nuts? Do you find the non-Columbia part of the county easier to traverse? If you have any great “getting lost in Columbia” stories, I’d love to hear them.