Dear Mike and Laura,
You are surely grown by now and very likely not even a couple anymore, but: there you are. Immortalized by an act of youthful romance. I wonder what the day was like when you carved your declaration into this tree in Symphony Woods. Or perhaps it was at night, under cover of darkness. Maybe it was marked by a moonlit kiss.
I’ve lived in Columbia 22 years now and I’ve never laid eyes on this tree before. That’s because I’ve never been in this part of the woods before. I’ve had no reason to.
Last night - - an indescribably perfect June evening - - this part of the woods was alive. Eric Byrd was at the keyboard, playing Gershwin and Ellington and singing the kind of jazz standards that just plain make me happy. Drinks were available, food too. People were spread out under the trees in their folding lawn chairs. Children, comfy on blankets, played at the feet of their parents. Small groups, maybe families or groups of friends, were seated at the newly-decorated picnic tables.
Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods is more than the Chrysalis. If you’ve seen the new concept plan you have a sense of that, but I think many folks don’t truly understand that yet. The park is for everyone, is meant to be enjoyed by everyone. Not just on event days but all the time.
You get a different perspective being in this part of the park. I got to see the people who have made this stretch of land a part of their daily walks, some accompanied by their dogs. The buildings of the New American City were to my left, the familiar outlines of Merriweather Post Pavillion were on my right. But in the middle was this cool, lush haven filled with music and happy people.
Dear Mike and Laura - - you weren’t alone last night. You were surrounded by friends. If Symphony Woods was once the place you thought of as “your place” you’ll be happy to know that a new generation of Columbians is discovering* it.
Some will be walkers or runners. Some will be attending concerts and other arts performances. Some will be dancing on the grass, like the two little ones in front of me last night. All will be making connections with the park.
The next free Happy Hour in the Park is Thursday, July 1st. Click on this link to see all the events coming up this summer.
After a long, long time of isolation I hope I’ll see you in the park.
*To be honest, I hope that none of them carve their names on trees. I don’t think it’s very good for them.