Last week I had a bit of an adventure. Of course this is one of those “I took a wrong turn in Columbia” stories. I was coming home from picking up an item from my Buy Nothing group and found myself in unfamiliar territory. It was a cul de sac but without any houses around it. A dead end, I suppose, and I was about to turn around when I saw this guy.
He was so friendly that, when I rolled down my window to get a better picture, he just about climbed in my car. It was one of the many times in my life that I lamented being allergic to dogs. Those eyes! That sweet nose! That goofy tongue!
I went home and posted it on social media. So did someone else. This fellow was making the rounds! Later I read that he had been taken to Animal Control.
Then yesterday someone posted this:
Same dog? And, if so, why is this poor guy still on the loose with no collar? Also, what about the dog that was taken to Animal Control? I’m hoping that someone reading this will recognize this dog. I’d love to help him get home.
Speaking of photos that tug at your heartstrings:
I had to laugh at myself because, even though the photo clearly identifies the location, I immediately assumed that the shop was located in Old Ellicott City. Sweet, quirky, off-beat: must be Ellicott City, right? No, no, no. Comics to Astonish is in Columbia, on Snowden, and I knew that. Really, I did. It’s funny how one’s brain makes assumptions. Columbia doesn’t have anywhere near enough sweet quirky off-beat shops, in my opinion.
Anyway, if you know this cute little lost plushie, well - - you know - - let’s help them get reunited with their (probably distraught) owner.
P.S. Tonight at the Lakefront, the return of movies with Mr. B. This evening’s offering is “Ralph Breaks the Internet”.