More on Reston from Wikipedia:
After I read this one clarifying statement the universe decided I needed to educate myself. The next day I came across a thread on Twitter from an area journalist who had just happened to be visiting, you guessed it: Reston.
The thread begins here:
Well, the weather outside is frightful, so enjoy this thread on urban/suburban planning & my recent visit to Reston, Virginia (one of the “planned communities” of the ‘60s)! I enjoyed the OG #reston, centered around Lake Anne. - - Bryna Zumer, Content Planner at WMAR 2 News
Be sure to click on the link above. There are some great photos and interesting insights.
Are you aware of the phenomenon where, once you learn a new word, it keeps appearing everywhere you look? That’s pretty much how I felt last night when I tuned in to one of my favorite shows on WETA, “If You Lived Here”. See for yourself:
WETA to feature Reston in Upcoming Show, Fatima’s Waseem for Reston Now (You get cool points if you recognize the name of the author.)
WETA’s latest season of “If You Live Here” will feature the community’s story, art and people on Feb. 14 at 8 p.m.. on WETA Metro and 9 p.m. on WETA PBS. Producers describe Reston as one of America’s most successful planned communities.
The show is a house-hunting series hosted by best friends Christine Louise and John Begeny. The hosts tour homes and communities with local realtors and explore neighborhoods in the DC Metro area.
It’s clear now that I have Reston on the brain and I should just succumb and enjoy the ride. Whether it’s fate or synchronicity, there’s something there that’s calling to me. To learn? To compare? To visit? I just don’t know. But my curiosity is definitely piqued at this point.
Wait. Didn’t the former President of CA, Milton Matthews, come to Columbia from Reston? So much to learn. Where to begin?
Feel free to add your impressions/knowledge/experience about Reston in the comments. I await further edification.