Friday, July 28, 2023

F ³: Weird and Wonderful


I discovered last night that my blog had been quoted in a piece on Baltimore Fishbowl. It felt weird.

Columbia residents condemn country singer Jason Aldean’s Merriweather concert Thursday, but no protests are expected, Aliza Worthington, Baltimore Fishbowl

I make no secret of the fact that I spend a lot of time on Twitter looking for local stories. I’m also keenly aware that, as a blogger, I am essentially an amateur. Seeing someone from a much larger, professional Baltimore website put together a piece in much the same way that I do felt…odd.


Recommended read for F ³ that takes us out of the Bubble:

Baltimore’s first zero-proof bottle shop will offer booze-less beer, wine, and liquor as non-alcoholic trend grows, Amanda Yeager, Baltimore Sun

It’s an excellent article plus it’s written by a former local journalist. What’s not to love?

People choose to abstain from drinking alcohol for a variety of reasons: Some are pregnant, some don’t like the taste, some are sober and others may be trying to cut down on calories (some nonalcoholic drinks have a lighter calorie count).

I’d add that some might be designated drivers or have to get up early the next day for work. Some avoid alcohol at events where they will be out in the sun and heat for hours at a time. And some might, on any given day, just not feel like it.

It’s good to have choices. 

Here in Howard County Beth Harbinson has created the Sobar model to introduce the concept of offering appealing and creative non-alcoholic beverages. You may have seen their Sobaristas mixing mocktails at local events. They also work with local restaurants through their Sobar certification program. Through an arrangement with Better Rhodes they are able to offer nonalcoholic beverages for purchase, as well.

Back to Baltimore. Hopscotch Zero-Proof Bottle Shop will be located at 520 S. Caroline St. in Fells Point. Owner Daryll Collins hopes to open soon, in early August. It’s true that I don’t get out much, but I’ll definitely be paying them a visit. If this business succeeds, maybe there will be more of them. 

I’d like that.