I discovered last night that my blog had been quoted in a piece on Baltimore Fishbowl. It felt weird.
Columbia residents condemn country singer Jason Aldean’s Merriweather concert Thursday, but no protests are expected, Aliza Worthington, Baltimore Fishbowl
I make no secret of the fact that I spend a lot of time on Twitter looking for local stories. I’m also keenly aware that, as a blogger, I am essentially an amateur. Seeing someone from a much larger, professional Baltimore website put together a piece in much the same way that I do felt…odd.
Recommended read for F ³ that takes us out of the Bubble:
Baltimore’s first zero-proof bottle shop will offer booze-less beer, wine, and liquor as non-alcoholic trend grows, Amanda Yeager, Baltimore Sun
It’s an excellent article plus it’s written by a former local journalist. What’s not to love?
People choose to abstain from drinking alcohol for a variety of reasons: Some are pregnant, some don’t like the taste, some are sober and others may be trying to cut down on calories (some nonalcoholic drinks have a lighter calorie count).