I’m leading off with the weather today. So far, the Fourth of July looks good. A tad hot for my tastes but, after all, it is summer.
If you are looking for things to do, Howard County Government and the Columbia Association have done just about everything but go door-to-door to let you know what is happening at the Lakefront. It’s all geared towards the big fireworks display which begins around 9:20 pm.
But what if you’re looking for something else? Maybe you have a kid who’s afraid of fireworks. Maybe the crowd scene at the Lakefront is just too much for you. Or - - and this is a big one - - maybe you want nothing to do with that post-fireworks traffic.
May I suggest: Fourth of July at the Chrysalis.
This free event begins at 11:30 am and runs until 3pm. Music will be provided by:
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Food trucks on hand: Blowfish Poke, Mochi Mochi, and Bullhead Pit Beef.
I hope they’ll have the Big Blue Blocks from Imagination Playground out for the kids (both big and small.) They’re amazing.
Photo from Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods Facebook Page
If you are worried about parking, don’t be. It’s assigned along with your ticket and they’ll explain just where you need to go. There’s ADA parking available, too: request it when you register.
Music at the Chrysalis: free. Hanging out in The Park: free. Parking: free. This might be a good time to point out that these kinds of experiences happen at Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods all season long and not just on the Fourth of July. You’re more than welcome to send them a
donation to support this year’s season of concerts and events.
Yes, food is available for purchase and that does cost money but there are no restrictions on bringing your own picnic from home. I am painfully aware as a parent that the most delicious food available may be of no use to the kid who eats nothing but string cheese or plain turkey sandwiches. I’m pretty sure the rules prohibit glass bottles, will check and report back here.
The good folks from the Inner Arbor Trust point out that you can start your day here and then continue the festivities by walking over to the Lakefront. You absolutely can. The thought of having that much stamina in the summer amazes me, but: sure, why not? Stay hydrated and wear sunscreen.
Doing anything fun for the Fourth? Do you have any family traditions? Or perhaps it’s not a big day for you at all. How do you plan to spend the day (and evening) this year?