Sunday, June 30, 2024


I’ve talked a bit recently about the challenges of getting information to people who need it. It’s an ongoing struggle. If you don’t believe me, just look outside on a Slide Day for trash collection. It doesn’t matter how many times that information is posted or whether it’s on social media or in neighborhood newsletters. There will be people who put their trash or recycling out according to the regular schedule.

It’s simply impossible to get 100 per cent engagement. 

People who dislike the current County Executive are inclined to criticize the many local events around town where he can be seen making announcements, highlighting new businesses, and so on. But having County Executive Ball participate in a public event isn’t the only way the County communicates with residents. The County issues press releases to local media outlets, pushes out information to county social media accounts, and works with organizations throughout the county to spread the word. A personal appearance by the County Executive is yet another way of getting information to the public - - one component in a communications plan, if you will. 

Why? Because it is a monumental challenge to compete with all the other information you are bombarded with every day and because their job is to make sure the public is informed. 

You just know that there will be people who show up when decisions are being made about a new county flag who will be angry that they didn’t know anything about it. 

There’s been some online mockery of the recent “ground breaking” for the next step in the Safe and Sound plan in Ellicott City.

Image from Howard County Governent social media 

One local wag asked, “What is this silly sandbox?” 

I’m not surprised to see people poking fun. And I wouldn’t take them to task for asking questions, either. But to my mind this falls under the category of things that are done in public life which are ceremonial or symbolic: ribbon cutting (don’t forget the big scissors)  groundbreaking (with matching shovels). Humans have been creating and using symbols to mark meaningful occasions as far back in time as we are able to trace it.

Think of graduations with special clothing and the awarding of diplomas, or of pageants where a winner is crowned. What about mayors presenting a key to the city? Or presidential inaugurations where the oath of office is taken with one hand on a holy book? These images convey something to us. We recognize them and know what they mean. 

As dopey as it may feel to critics, things like ground breaking and ribbon cutting are a part of the symbolic language that leaders use to communicate with the public. There’s only so many ways to communicate information that will truly ‘stick’ in the public consciousness. If you think that these sorts of ceremonial behaviors have become meaningless or obsolete, then what do you propose should replace them? I’m open to suggestions.

For all the folks who want to make fun of the “silly sandbox”, there are others stopping to find out what’s going on in that photo and learning something they didn’t know. 


While I have you here:

Howard County Government offices, courts, animal shelter, 50+ centers and Alpha Ridge Landfill will be closed on Thursday, July 4th in observance of the Independence Day holiday. As there will be no Thursday curbside trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap collection on the 4th, the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect for the remainder of the week.

Additionally, County Government offices, animal shelter and 50+ centers will also be closed on Friday, July 5th. - - HoCoGov

Tell your neighbors.

Village Green/Town² Comments 

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