Sunday, June 2, 2024

Styrofoam Revisited: The Happy Journey to Crofton


At long last, the conclusion of a story that began in December of 2022 in “Out of the Box”.

Is Styrofoam recyclable?   The short answer is no.  At least not in the recycling we put out on our curb or take to the City's recycling sites.  Styrofoam (or polystyrene foam) can include take-away coffee cups, takeaway food containers, meat trays, and shipping packing. It contains a type of plastic called expanded polystyrene.  

Why can't it be recycled?  This material is made of tiny individual pieces that burst apart when put through the sorting process.  Putting Styrofoam into the recycling bin will contaminate the whole bin, so all Styrofoam must go into the landfill bin. 

Did you know? Styrofoam takes more than 500 years to break down and it's estimated that 2.3 million tons of styrofoam end up in the landfill every year! - - Melissa Mercier

Shortly after I wrote this piece a dear friend reached out and told me there was a place in Crofton, MD that actually took Number 6 polystyrene foam for recycling.

The EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) Industry Alliance office is at 1298 Cronson Blvd #201, Crofton, MD21114. It's a pretty anonymous office, and very often there's no one in the front area (there are a couple of offices in the back), but the front room is often stuffed with dropoffs. (it wasn't today). The stuff has to be in clear bags, or the translucent blue bags that they hand out.

It only took me…a year and a half to get myself together and make this trip, which is under forty minutes each way, approximately. I had three large (clear plastic) bags full. I have at least another bag or two at home that wouldn’t fit in the car. 

I found the location to be pretty much as my friend described it. Nondescript office building. It looks like this from the front but it’s the side entrance you’re interested in. 

Image from Yelp

You’ll need to park and go up these stairs.

At the top of the stairs, turn left. The first office you get to will direct you to the one next door.

Suite 201. This is it.

Walk right in. You have arrived.

I left my bags. I felt such a sense of relief that this styrofoam wouldn’t be headed to a landfill.

If climbing stairs is an issue, or if you need to drop off when the office isn’t open, it turns out they have dumpsters in the back as well. I snagged these images from the Crofton Village Garden Club.

To my knowledge, this is the only place in the state of Maryland where you can drop off styrofoam for recycling. It exists because the industry itself supports the initiative. If we wanted one in Howard County we’d have to have that kind of industry support.

Or should we hire someone to drive the Happy Little Styrofoam Bus to Crofton once a week? 

Why should you care? Here’s some information on the environmental issues on polystyrene.

  • Marine Pollution
  • Human Health Concerns
  • Takes 500 years to decompose 

I’d encourage anyone who is concerned about disposing of styrofoam safely to take the trip to Crofton. It’s not a bad trip overall, distance-wise. And you can treat yourself to something at the Dunkin conveniently located right next door.

Ask me how I know.

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