Friday, July 4, 2014

Greatest Day Ever

When the alarm went off at seven am I was awake only to the extent that I realized I had a migraine and that my husband's back was feeling painful enough that it hurt to reach over to silence the alarm. It didn't feel to me as though the greatest day ever had arrived. Far from it.

We were supposed to go, the three of us, to march in the 4th of July Parade in River Hill to support candidate Courtney Watson. That is not how things turned out. From the looks of this picture, they certainly had enough people.

But that's not what really matters to me at this moment. What matters is that I let down Dylan Goldberg, Field Director for Courtney Watson's campaign. To give you an idea of the kind of person Dylan is, let's begin with this tweet, posted at 12:00 am this morning.

@DylanGoldberg: YES GREATEST DAY EVER HAS ARRIVED #fourthofjuly

If you don't know Dylan, you are truly missing something. He is an inexplicable force of nature, someone who believes American democracy with every fiber of his being. Both his words and his actions are infused with making the community a better place. Whether supporting candidates or collecting food for the hungry, he is the Energizer Bunny of good works and good will. When he gets down in the dumps he watches inspiring episodes of the West Wing. Or iconic political speeches.

I confess that when I first met him he rather scared me. He seemed too good to be true. At that time he was either just finishing high school or just beginning college. How could someone this young be so driven? After a while, you just stop asking yourself this question and accept him for who he is. He's in love with the political process, willing to work, excited about how good government can help people and lift them up.

So Dylan, I'm sorry we let you down this morning, and I hope you really do have the greatest day ever. In a week with troubling news of decisions that threaten the democracy you and I both treasure, it helps to know that there are people like you who won't give up on how great our nation is truly meant to be.