On 32 North, past 108,
at one pm a twist of fate
Brought a mom and her daughter (learning to drive)
And a truck with a box with a sheep inside.
How did it happen? No one knew
if the truck hit a bump but out it flew
Flew through the air and fell to the side
From the truck flew the box with the sheep inside.
Did you see what happened? Does any one know?
Was the sheep okay by the side of the road?
(It doesn't seem safe to try your luck
With a sheep in a box in the back of a truck.)
Past 108, on Route 32
Marks the landing spot of the sheep who flew
Eye witness reports say the sheep survived--
It's truly amazing that sheep's alive.
White sheep, black spots
An unusual sight
Was returned to the box then strapped down tight
In the bed of the truck for a safer ride.
That truck with the box with the sheep inside.