I went to the dentist yesterday for my six-month check up. Big deal, right? Doesn't everyone? Well, no, but that's another story. For me it is a kind of big deal because for years I didn't really have the money for regular dental care, and even in recent years I haven't been all that good at coming in more than once a year or even every two years. Not fear. Just good old fashioned procrastination.
I almost cancelled because I realized that I've really been backsliding in the flossing department. The dentist will know, I thought. Maybe I should cancel and work really hard for six months so I can come in looking good, I thought. But my daughter had an appointment too, and I knew that cancelling would look irresponsible, so I went ahead and faced the music.
I confessed up front, to the dental hygienist and the dentist. They were both pretty nice about it. They gave me some suggestions to "get back on the wagon" so to speak. Something the dentist said struck a chord for me.
"You know, if you kind of slack off, and then maybe if you start to have a problem, if you come in every six months we can catch it and help you get back on track. But if you don't come back for a year, or even two years...it can get serious and maybe turn into a bigger problem."
"Well, it is Ash Wednesday", I said jokingly. "It's a good day to confess and start over."
"It is?" Oh, duh, I thought. Note to self: never make the assumption that everyone knows about Christian observances.
It stayed with me, though. "Lent is not a weight loss program," someone quipped yesterday. But it is an opportunity for course correction. Just like those six-month check ups at the dentist. And it needn't be only a Christian thing. It starts with paying attention, and then focusing intent.
Where do you see the need for course correction? Is it something at home or in your job? Might it be in the school budget? Or leadership in a Columbia Village or CA Leadership? What are the things that need your focused intent? What happens when we take the opportunity for course correction instead of just letting things go on the way they are?
I have so much on my mind right now that focus alone seems an impossible goal. Perhaps my trip to the dentist is a reminder that I can't fix everything and be perfect every time. Course correction is an integral part of the process. We turn, re-turn, turn again, like pilgrims in a labyrinth.
Where do you see opportunities for course correction?