Updates on this and that.
After I re-sent my letter about the Oakland Mills "Sports Complex" I received responses within 24 hours from:
CA Board Members--Alan Klein, Jeanne Ketley, Nancy McCord, Reginald Avery, Andrew Stack, And Tom O'Connor
County Executive Allan Kittleman
For those of you following along at home, that means I have heard from everyone except for Long Reach CA Board Member Russ Swatek. That's really an amazing response and I have learned a lot.
Remember the OBCRC? (Operating Budget Citizens Review Commitee) Correction: it's the Citizen's Operating Budget Review Committee. Although officially dissolved by the Board of Education, it has reformed itself and has already begun meeting to evaluate the Superintendent's 2016 budget. Talk about dedication! Here are some notes from their first work session. Lots of good questions here. Someone must have an advanced degree, methinks...
I received a letter in the mail yesterday from someone at The Columbia Bank who read my blog post about the closing of the Oakland Mills branch and has invited me to give him a call. (He has tried calling here but I haven't been around.)
In the area of shameless self-promotion, Lin-Manuel Miranda read my blog post and retweeted it, leading to a rather large spike in views. I also forwarded it to my elementary school music teachers who wrote back,
Oh my, Julia--you have brought tears to my eyes with this lovely tribute! Thanks so much for reminding me of the "good times" which I do miss in my retirement. I miss the good feeling when you know that you have done a good job of teaching a concept and the kids got it. I was reminded again this week of my piano teacher 50 years ago when I was practicing a piece for church using a book she had given me back in the day. And I did write her several years ago thanking her for all she had given me.
And when I went to teach at Ducketts Lane on Wednesday, all sorts of people in the RECC took me aside and said, "I read your post. Thank you."
Rereading this, I see that it's all about the connections.
"It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tired into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly."
― Martin Luther King Jr.