As I noted on June 22nd in this space, I decided to hang up my traveling shoes with the Howard County Schools and was looking to put down roots. After twelve years of being a traveling show, it was time. I'm excited to report that I'll soon be embarking upon a new educational adventure at Glenelg Country School, as an assistant teacher for three year olds in their Little Dragons program. I'm hoping to incorporate my musical background into the new position.
And--ta da!--We just finished having our back patio completely redone.
Now we need patio furniture and an umbrella. I am looking for leads on end-of-season local deals--got any? I'm hoping to enjoy this space from now until whenever cold weather makes it impossible. I have waited 16 years for this. The time for enjoyment is now.
Our HOA broke down and painted stripes in the parking lot. I am sure this is gratifying to people who think people other than themselves just don't park correctly. My daughter pointed out, once the paint had dried, that everyone was parking exactly where they had before. Not sure how much of a change that is. Looks mighty tidy, though.
It looks to me as though prices have gone up at the local Food Lion. Reinforcing this notion is the addition of many signs around the store exclaiming, "Look! Low price!" without anything to compare it to. Does this truly fool anyone?
We're all getting ready to go back to school at my house. We're trying to fit in those last few things we said we'd do over the summer. One more swim? One more snowball? Escaping to a movie on a hot day? Staying up late and sleeping in will soon be just a pleasant memory. In some ways we're never quite ready to move on, yet we do.