Thursday, October 15, 2015

No Rewards for Bad Behavior

It looks like there's going to be a surplus in the Howard County Budget and the leadership of the Oakland Mills Village Board wants some of it. $50,000.00, to be exact. Yes, the very same people who:

  • recently held a secret meeting with Tom Carbo without informing the rest of the board
  • released a negative story to the press about the state of Oakland Mills housing stock without informing the rest of the board
  • tried to sell all of Howard County on a state-of-the-art sports complex so that they could displace less fortunate Oakland Mills residents

Yes, those people. They want $50,000.00 to pursue their plans for "re-inventing Oakland Mills."

Don't give it to them.

The idea that one extra cent of Howard County tax money should be extended to such poor stewards of our community's resources galls me, today in particular. Today is our Covenant Advisor's last day. Why? Well, after months and months, no, several years of rudeness, systematic interference, veiled threats, and outright bullying from these people, she has resigned. Our village is losing a dedicated and extremely competent member of Village Staff, who has given fourteen years to Oakland Mills, because of them.

Please, please don't reward this behavior. Please tell me that we don't give awards for bad behavior in Howard County.

To Mr. Kittleman and the County Council, I ask that you give this money to a group which has shown proven leadership in the truest sense: good stewardship, transparency in operations, respect to community members. I know you will do your best to chose wisely.

I love Oakland Mills and I believe in Oakland Mills. If anyone is thinking about giving out extra money I would suggest it be spent on feeding hungry children and their families, helping struggling homeowners repair their homes, and, if there's anything left over, training for OMCA board leadership on civil and professional behavior. They need it.