So I can still drink two Dogfish on a Friday night at the Second Chance and be up early the next day to write the blog. Ha! I thought to myself, a bit triumphantly, I'm not completely over the hill.
And yet, something in that lovely IPA seems to have had the residual effect of flattening any motivation to write...I guess there's always a tradeoff. Sigh.
Today there's a boatload of things going on around town. The Library is having a 75th Birthday celebration and burying a time capsule with the help of local middle school students. The Columbia Association is hosting an Open House in their new headquarters complete with access to the amazing Columbia Archives. And I bet there's more I don't know about.
As for me, I'm taking my girls to the Ren Fest because it's the last weekend and somehow we haven't made it yet this season. It's an annual tradition with us. They dress up. I play the part of the suburban mom. (I have plenty of outfits for that.) If I am truly on the ball I remember exactly where I parked my car. It's a hop, skip. and a jump from the Columbia Bubble to the cosplay/silly themed food/raggedy historical interpretation Bubble.
Tonight we're going to the Fall play at Oakland Mills High School: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, with a reading of The Raven. A perfect evening to what is shaping up to be a quintessential Fall day.