Let's get right to it. My to-do list:
- Figure out how to fix the problem where comments show up as white lettering instead of black. They are fine on my iPad. On my phone, I can get them to read correctly if I scroll down and click "view web version." But readers continue to be flummoxed by this, so I am guessing it is a problem on laptops and/or desktops? Time to get someone more tech-oriented on the case. Thanks for your patience.
- Write a letter to the HoCo delegation and the State Superintendent of Schools, Jack Smith, regarding the approval of the Superintendent's contract. In order for the contract to be enacted, it must be ratified by Mr. Smith. Under normal circumstances, this approval is essentially a formality, but Dr. Foose's contract was pushed through under extraordinary conditions. If you have concerns about this, join me in writing a letter before Tuesday, February 24th.
Edward.Kasemeyer@senate.state.md.us Trent.Kittleman@house.state.md.us Warren.Miller@house.state.md.us Bob.Flanagan@house.state.md.us Eric.Ebersole@house.state.md.us Terri.Hill@house.state.md.us Clarence.Lam@house.state.md.us Guy.Guzzone@senate.state.md.us Vanessa.Atterbeary@house.state.md.us Shane.Pendergrass@house.state.md.us Frank.Turner@house.state.md.us mlis.state.md.us mark.newgent@maryland.gov
- RSVP for the February 29th HoCoBlogs party at Nalley Fresh. A new restaurant is coming to Dobbin Center, and it looks like we've got a chance to be some of the first people to try it out. (Here's more info about Nalley Fresh.) As always, these parties are open to bloggers and blog readers. Join us!
- Learn more about this Thursday's meeting about transportation to be held at Central Library. Looks interesting. Columbia desperately needs better public transit. Widening highways is not the only way to help people get around.
- Oh--almost forgot! This one is for you. There's a Groupon for unlimited digital access to the Baltimore Sun, which means our local papers as well. You can get an entire year for $49.00, compared to the $15.96 monthly that I am paying. And no, I'm not going to cost that out for you because we already know that will go bad quickly. This is a really good deal and will give you a relatively painless way to see how much you'd use all that information if you had it.
Have a relaxing, restorative Sunday. After you get all those things crossed off of your to-do list, that is.