Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Return of the Mysterious Mr. D.

Yesterday, while I contemplating Lincoln and unity, an older post of mine was on fire with belated debate in the comments section. One commenter, going by the name of "Thomas Diller" was systematically questioning everything I had posted and picking away at other commenters as well. As the name was not familiar to me, I attempted to do some research.

I can't find any accounts for a local Thomas Diller. Not Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, no Google hits establishing this as a real person. But, I do find Mr. Diller in comments sections of Howard Public Ed and The 53, Bill Woodcock's blog--in 2012. I started asking around and it turns out he frequented the comments section of Patch around the same time, along with a companion named Robert Rhodes.

In all cases he is addressing school system issues defending management and attacking anyone who is a challenge to management. He's left perfectly nasty diatribes against Board Member Cindy Vailancourt on Howard Public Ed. And now, in another election year, he's back.

Of course he is.

I guess Mr. Diller, being new to this blog, doesn't know that I strongly encourage people to post under their own names. And it does seem highly unlikely, given the evidence, that this is is his (?) real name. The evidence points to someone in Central Office or perhaps even on the Board of Education itself. Traveling incognito in the comments sections during election years.

Yesterday, while I talked about unity and Lincoln, someone was hard at work showing us what we're up against. Be on the lookout for people like this who attempt to sway public opinion against anyone who seeks to create a better board of education. I may have outed one of them, but I'm sure there are others waiting to replace him.

A reminder:

I encourage discussion in the comments section but I have no patience for trolling, or really any kind of nastiness. It is my preference that people post under their own names. I stand by my word every time I post, and so should you, if you choose to engage here.