Monday, February 29, 2016


This just in (as they say)--Bill Woodcock notes on The 53 that:

....also in the world of Christine O'Connor, apparently my blog escaped her lips at Thursday's Board of Education meeting, as she said that she was not the "Christine" who commented upon my filtration of truth of her letter.

If Ms. O'Connor did not write that comment, then the post I wrote yesterday is wrong. There's no way around it. I reached out to Mr. Woodcock and, after discussing this with him, all I can really say is that we don't know. She says she didn't write it, but at this point there's no way to verify that.

Here is the post Ms. O'Connor left on my blog in 2014:

I truly hope that those few who read this blog will take the time to find out more actual facts about ALL of the candidates, even those who did not get endorsed by the HCEA. This "summary" of the candidate forum leaves MUCH to be desired. Also, I highly recommend using spell check when you call yourself a writer….-Christine O'Connor

Here is the post on The 53:

Maybe get the facts straight if you want to call yourself a journalist. Dr. Foose has addressed the community's concerns. The two contrarians on the Board are impeding our progress.

I saw enough similarity there to believe it was the same author. It's also true that I was willing to believe that it was. (The difference between a blogger and a journalist, perhaps?) And that's all I know.

There are plenty of other things to talk about this week. I'm looking forward to the HoCoBlogs party tonight at Nalley Fresh. With plenty of local bloggers in attendance, there'll be plenty of stories swirling.