Last night I started hearing private rumblings that something was up with the MSDE appointment of Dr. Renee Foose. Had she withdrawn her name from consideration? What was up?
I reached out privately to a few people I know to have reliably good information. I was looking for confirmation. I had a lead on a great story but I didn't have enough to be sure.
So I waited.
Shortly thereafter, the Baltimore Sun posted their article, followed by the Maryland Daily Record's account.
Ah, well. So, I didn't get the scoop. I got excited for a few minutes there. And then I remembered that I'm a blogger, not a journalist.
Journalists are trained to do this job. They follow a certain protocol and are bound by journalistic ethics. Whether it's a story about an appointment to the MDSE, or efforts to repeal healthcare, journalists are doing the unglamorous work day in and day out to keep the public informed. We need them.
I love having this blog and that I have been able to forge relationships with people in the community who are willing to reach out to me with information. I try to behave responsibly. I am very fortunate to have this platform for sharing ideas.
I may occasionally have the opportunity to "break" stories. This does not make me a journalist. I endeavor to be informative but my bailiwick is commentary and interpretation more than headlines and bylines. Perhaps last night I needed a little reminder of that.