Saturday, September 30, 2017


As I watch the progress of the Elevate Maryland podcast I've been thinking a lot about who I would want to interview if I had a local "Talk Show".

Now this is where my brain gives to "If I had a talk show" to the tone of "If I had a hammer", and then to the tune of "If I were a rich man." Doesn't everybody?

So, without further ado, my top ten list of HoCo locals that I think would make fabulous interview subjects. This is in no particular order of value, by the way.

1. Jean Moon. She's well known for publicizing other peoples' events but I think her own personal story would be fascinating.

2. Jonathan Edelson, chair of the Oakland Mills Village Board. What makes an under-50 with kids in elementary school get involved in what has traditionally been a haven for Pioneers?

3. Bonnie Bricker, educator, writer, and community activist. I'd like to hear more about her present venture to work with parents and infants to support early language development.

4. Bryan Sears, reporter for the Maryland Daily Record. Now there's someone with a million stories to tell, especially about shenanigans in Annapolis!

5. Mindy Levene Spak, teacher of ESOL students at MHHS and mom of a special needs student in the Howard County Schools. She has a wealth of first-hand knowledge on our most vulnerable students.

6. Calvin Ball. But I'd want to talk to him about something totally non-political, like parenting teenaged girls or his favorite music and authors.

7. Nina Basu, the President of Inner Arbor Trust. I'd love to hear her stories of growing up in Columbia and her experiences as a student of color at McDonough.

8. Michael Oberman, photographer and former music critic. It would be difficult to stick to local topics because I know I would want to ask him about the time he met David Bowie and other stories from his past.

9. Candace Dodson Reed, blogger, community activist. Founder of African American Community Roundtable. I'd love to turn the tables on this Elevate Maryland cohost and talk local politics, work/life balance, and what goals we should be setting in HCPSS now that we have a Diveristy director.

10. Alan Romack. You may not have heard of him, but you should. Woodworking, 3D design/ printing, PTA and community volunteer. Sometimes it's the quiet folks who have the best ideas.

So there you have it. Of course, I don't have a talk show, but I can dream, can't I?

Who's on your list?