Saturday, September 2, 2017

Down by the Old Mill Steam. Of Consciousness.

Shlogged through the work week looking forward to Saturday when I'd have the time to write a decent blog post. Woke up at 5:30 am with a serious case of the "I don't wannas." In the meantime, a second cup of coffee feels essential and the sound of rain outside is not helping.

On my mind this morning:

  • Opioid addiction is now a heartbreaking national health crisis because victims are white.
  • Police brutality and over-reach may now actually be considered to be a problem because the nurse is white.
Also, someone out there is floating the theory that Howard County Government has actively promoted segregation of schools as a way to isolate high test scores in areas of affluence in order to promote more land development in those same areas. Any other bloggers out there working on this? Feels more like a conspiracy theory than a fact-based one.

State Comptroller Peter Franchot is ever so proud of himself for promoting craft beer and adding a week to summer vacation. This is adorable. Now what should we do for the families that can't afford craft beer or a longer summer? Who represents them?

Lest you think I'm nothing but negative today, a big birthday shout-out to my County Council representative, Calvin Ball. I believe he's having one of those life, the universe, and everything birthdays today. If you see him, I'm guessing a birthday hug is in order.

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