Wednesday, September 13, 2017

One More Time

Let's do it again!
When I'm not blogging or offering my two cents at public meetings, I have another life as an early childhood educator. While I'm working as a generalist these days, for many years my primary focus was music and movement. So, when I heard that the folks at the Inner Arbor Trust were looking for family-friendly programming this summer, I realized I had something to offer.

So, here goes:

Saturday, September 16th, rain or shine!
A free family event for parents and preschoolers.

Chrysalis Kids: Music and Movement on the Chrysalis Stage.

Come experience the beauty of Columbia's newest performance space with your little ones. From 10 to 12, Early Childhood Music Specialist Julia McCready will play DJ with your favorite Kids Tunes. There will be plenty of room to move and groove, and hands-on materials to explore!

Admission is free.

Tell your friends. Come along if you have young children and grandchildren. To be clear: this is not a show. It's a free-form, hands-on dance-fest. If you want to bring a quilt for getting comfy, snacks and/or juice boxes--it's all good. If your young ones have older siblings,  the Imagination Playground equipment will be out for their enjoyment.

We'll have a varied playlist with everything from Laurie Berkner to Abba to Elvis to Raffi. The Imagination Playground materials are perfect for those who'd rather build than boogie. 

Celebrating the arts in the park is for everyone. Even the very youngest.

Have requests for Saturday's playlist? Send them here.