It’s darker and darker in the mornings now. This is the time of year when I realize how dependent I am on that morning light to wake up and get going. In the words of the old saying, “my get up and go has got up and went.”
Today’s post might best be described as looking for the light.
Ever a local leader on shedding light on things, the Howard County Library is hosting on event tomorrow night to help community members learn more about the new Equity Policy in the Howard County Public Schools.
Understand and Engage the New HCPSS Equity Policy (Register at the link.)
Learn about Howard County Public School System’s new educational equity policy (Policy 1080)and hear a panel of community leaders reflect on the need for more educational equity in Howard County. Explore ways to stay involved with policy implementation and educational equity issues more broadly. Includes time for Q&A.
Click on the link above to see more on who will be participating. The library has assembled a great group of people to take on this topic. Don’t miss it.
Yesterday HC Drug-Free held a drug take-back event at the Wilde Lake Village Center. Thanks to what looked like a small army of community volunteers, they were able to facilitate the collection of unneeded/expired Prescription Medication, Over-the-Counter Medication, Vitamins, Pet/Veterinary Medication, Sharps (Needles, Syringes, Epi-Pens, etc.) Vape Devices (with batteries removed) and Inhalers. Next step will be safe disposal, which means they won’t be flushed into the water system or lying around where they might end up in the wrong hands.
Another bit of light shining in the community is this restaurant night from the Wilde Lake High School Band Boosters. It’s not your average fundraiser. Monies raised will be going, not to the band, but to support the mission of Columbia Community Care.
It’s this Wednesday, 10/28, all day, at the Mod Pizza by the mall. A tip of the hat to Band Director Saul Green and to the Wilde Lake High School Band Boosters for using their fundraising expertise to benefit Columbia Community Care. CCC is the brainchild of WLHS teacher Erika Strauss Chavarria, who this week was named by the Baltimore Sun as one of 25 Maryland Women to Watch, as well as being honored as a winner of the 2020 Human Rights Award by the Howard County Human Rights Commission.
That’s a whole lot of light right there.
Now I’m going to open the curtains and make another cup of coffee.