This weekend we ordered take-away from Grille Chick’n Pollo in Hickory Ridge. It was delicious. My husband is a huge fan of the white sauce that accompanies the orders. He maintains that a similar sauce is served with fries in the Netherlands. Who knew? Even though cole slaw is probably not a Peruvian staple, theirs is delicious and pairs well with the Peruvian chicken flavors. And the portions are so generous! You will definitely be enjoying leftovers the next day. I’m happy to see that this mom and pop business is chugging along during the pandemic.
Yesterday my new recliner from La-z-boy arrived. They had a bit of trouble locating our house (doesn’t everybody?) but since they were in communication with my husband via text, I was able to go outside and flag them down. The gentlemen who handled the delivery and set-up were polite and efficient. Both wore masks. They made sure I was completely satisfied before they left. It’s amazing how a pleasant interaction like this leaves such a lasting impression.
The old recliner was close to ten years old. It probably would have lasted longer had I not basically lived in it for the last seven months. Sleeping in it night after night following surgery was probably the last straw. I felt a bit of a pang as my husband and a friend broke it down and took it off to the landfill. On the other hand, I felt grateful to have a friend with a vehicle large enough to transport a recliner and the willingness to pitch in and help us out.
One last moment of positivity. I’ve frequently been amazed by how many really good amateur photographers we have in Columbia/Howard County. During the pandemic and its subsequent long stretches of isolation their posts on social media have been a lifeline. Whether sharing snapshots of locally well-known landmarks or a sampling of nature shots from their daily walks, these folks give the rest of us a window onto our community that makes our own tiny worlds feel less small, somehow.
While we all are facing challenges right now, we also have opportunities to see goodness in our daily lives if we are willing to stop and recognize them. What about you? Can you think of some Columbia/HoCo goodness worth sharing? Let us in on it and share the love.
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