Saturday, February 6, 2021

Shiny Bits


It’s been a while since I’ve popped on over to the old HoCoBlogs page. It makes me feel a bit sad to see it plugging along by itself, like a robot going through the motions long after its human creators have gone. The rise and fall of HoCoBlogs as an entity and a community will have to be a story for another day, though.

Yet again I’m charmed by Mike Hartley’s blog, THREW Mikes EyEz. I know I’ve sent you over there before. I think you’ll enjoy this particular post, entitled “Regroup.” His description of wrestling with a reclining chair is priceless. Or perhaps - - just maybe - - I have far too much personal experience.

You can learn a little more about Mike Hartley here.

Also recommended this morning is this from WMAR Baltimore on local podcast Hacking Humans from Cyberwire. The story, “Hacking Humans: Local podcast shares insight into the cybersecurity world,” features Columbia’s own Dave Bittner, well-known to local theatre audiences as well as for his vast community involvement. Once you read up on the podcast you might just want to take a listen

One last plug: have you subscribed to the Howard County Library’s weekly newsletter, “Library HiLights”? It shows up in my inbox every Saturday with tons of fabulous ideas and information. A fun tidbit this week was this video promoting this year’s Evening in the Stacks, “Serata Virtuale.”

I’m off to order Instacart before both the SuperBowl shoppers and the impending snow frenzy render that a complete impossibility.