Monday, February 1, 2021

Well, Do You?


Local advocacy group Howard County Dads is sponsoring a contest that just might get you out of your house today. 

HoCo Snowman Contest

  • Who: dads and their kids
  • What: snowman you made together
  • When: Entries close Wednesday night
  • Where: submit to Howard County Dads
  • Why: win bragging rights and snowman cookies from Jennifer Bakes Things
Howard County Dads decribes itself as: 

...a nonprofit corporation on a mission to connect and empower fathers in order to promote fatherhood involvement in and around Howard County. 

You can learn more about them at their website: Howard County Dads. You can also keep up with them on Twitter @HowardCountyDad, Instagram howardcountydads and Facebook Howard County Dads.

I’m of a generation where dads would not have belonged at a “dad group.” I distinctly remember that, when “playing house” as a child, no one wanted to be the dad because all you did was go to work and come home. What kind of fun was that?

I find the mission of Howard County Dads fascinating. Have they been on your radar? Have you participated in any of their previous events? 

One more thing: if you are not a dad, and make a snowman you’d like to share, send me a pic and I’ll post it on the blog. Or a snow woman, even.