Friday, February 5, 2021

The Weekend


If there’s one thing that derails the blog more than anything else it would have to be waking up with a migraine. My apologies for turning up so late this morning.

So far the only news story that has caught my eye is an article entitled “Photographer Captures A Rare Octopus With Transparent Head”. It occurs to me that having a transparent head might be useful, though I’m not quite sure why. And, besides, it’s not a local story so it’s best I not dwell on it, right?

A bit closer to home, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott made a pitch for staying healthy and safe this weekend with the following social media post:

@MayorBMScott Don't be a clown. Stay at home for the Super Bowl! The decisions you make have an impact on our entire community as we navigate this #COVID19 pandemic.

I’d like to believe his words might sway someone, anyone, to rethink plans for Super Bowl socializing, but I feel like attitudes are so entrenched at this point. People who care, care. People who don’t, dont. Do you think that there may still be folks out there in the middle who can be reached by his appeal?

As for socializing at our house, it hasn’t been a thing since before March 12, 2020. And as for football, we’ve never particularly been fans. We swore off even the annual SuperBowl festivities a while back out of concerns for player traumatic brain injury and the obvious culture of systemic racism. We haven’t missed it.

My daughter and I are big fans of the Puppy Bowl and have been known to plan our own festivities around that. We can sometimes drag my husband in to watch the Kitty Halftime Show. (He’s a cat person.) Thank goodness there’s something else to get excited about this weekend if you’re not a football fan.

What about you? Is the SuperBowl a big part of your weekend plans? Do you have any strong feelings about it one way or the other? And, in a last ditch effort to make this local, where’s the best local establishment you’ve ever visited for watching the SuperBowl, and why?