When I was in college I put a cartoon on my door that read, “The world is full of people who are anxious to serve in an advisory capacity.” It was my way of pushing back against those folks who seemed to be ever-present with unsolicited advice and critiques. Quick to jump in, judge, and jeer.
I see you. My cartoon was saying. And I am not impressed.
This old cartoon has been on my mind this week as I’ve watched comment after comment on social media deriding teachers from people who have absolutely no idea what it’s like to be a teacher right now. For that matter, they aren’t teachers, they don’t have the education and training required to be teachers. They went to school once and they have anointed themselves as experts.
I see you. And I am not impressed.
Perhaps they weren’t listening or didn’t care when the workload was crushing teachers even before the pandemic, or didn’t pay attention when teachers were giving 150 per cent during the height of the pandemic. And now, when teachers suggest waiting to reinstate midterm and final exams, and request some additional non-teaching time to complete required non-teaching work: why, they’re most anxious to serve in an advisory capacity.
Let me be blunt. They are trashing teachers all up and down the internet.
No education. No expertise. No experience. And, worst of all, no empathy.
Some of these people were likely shouting from the rooftops last year that distance learning meant nothing and that only in-person face to face classes had any meaning. One assumes that this meant they believed somewhere in there that education has value.
Yet again, I do not understand people who are so anxious to have their kids in school while having such deep and ongoing disrespect for their teachers. I wonder if they have ever read the story about the Goose with the Golden Egg.
They should.
More teachers than ever are leaving the profession right now, and fewer are entering teacher training programs in college and graduate school. There is a reason, and honestly, it isn’t from a lack of people serving in an advisory capacity.
If you truly value education you must value teachers. If you don’t value teachers you are clearly more interested in hearing yourself talk and in some misbegotten notion of “getting your money’s worth” than in being a part of the solution for students and teachers in our community. Remember, the whole point of that is supporting better educational experiences for our kids. Period.
I’m interested in seeing who has empathy and who shows respect. I’m looking for people who acknowledge the truth of what is happening right now and want to help. I’ve heard that a lot of parents wrote to the Board of Education last week in support of those six half-days to give teachers a little breathing room to get things done. That’s a good sign. It’s small, but it’s a start.
If you don’t want to be a part of the solution? Go read a book.