Tuesday, November 23, 2021



This is the time of year where people who love shopping are in their element. Perhaps you love the thrill of finding the perfect gift, or maybe it’s scoring the best bargain that ignites your holiday joy. In addition there’s always the fun of exploring Columbia/HoCo to support local businesses while ticking off the people on your gift list.

LiveGreen Howard reminded me this morning that there’s another way to shop.

They are recommending clutter-free gifts which can be equally (or maybe even more) enjoyable. Plus, they don’t add more “stuff” to the environment. Experiences, memberships, consumables, and gifts of time make up LiveGreen Howard’s holiday wishlist. It looks like many of those could be opportunities to invest your money in local businesses, making it a win-win for the environment and your neighbors.

Another way to have a clutter-free holiday is to participate in a Buy Nothing communty.

We offer people a way to give and receive, share, lend, and express gratitude through a worldwide network of hyper-local gift economies in which the true wealth is the web of connections formed between people who are real-life neighbors.

You would be amazed at how many brand new, in perfect condition, ready-to-be-gifted items are out there. Or maybe you wouldn’t. Well meaning gifts sometimes miss the mark. In a way, Buy Nothing helps them find better homes. In the process, it helps people declutter, keeps stuff out of landfills, and helps members give without straining their budgets. 

If you still crave the excitement of picking that perfect gift, local non-profit Columbia Community Care has the perfect option for you.

Who: Columbia Community Care, for community members 

What:  NEW UNWRAPPED toys, books, crafts, gloves, mittens, hats, after-school snacks, treats, etc for ages 2 - 12 years.  Also Gift wrap, gift bags, and tape. (No weapons!)

How: They won’t be sorting out toys/bulk orders, or bagging up treat bags ahead of time, so please bring everything READY for distribution. 

When: Dropoff between 9 and 10 am, December 11th.*

Where: Wilde Lake Interfaith Center


Why? That’s tomorrow’s post.

*Columbia Community Care is working on a way for donors to drop off toys in advance of the date, to make giving more convenient. I will keep you posted on any updates.