Saturday, November 20, 2021

Under the Gun

Howard County students stage walkout over racist video, February 3, 2016

Photo credit: WBAL TV

Black Lives Activists stage peaceful protest in Columbia, August 14, 2016 (and ongoing)

Photo credit: Black Lives Activists page, Facebook

Thousands March peacefully in Columbia to protest police killings, June 3, 2020

Photo credit: Len Lazarick/Maryland Reporter

 Hundreds rally in rural Western Howard County in support of Black Lives Matter, June 18, 2020

Image Credit: HoCo United page, Facebook

Kyle Rittenhouse shoots three, two fatally, at event protesting killing of Jacob Blake by police, August 25, 2020

Social Justice Club Rallies Support for Removal of Police in Schools, May 27, 2021

Photo credit: Jeffrey F. Bill, Baltimore Sun Media Group

Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty of all charges in Kenosha shootings, November 19, 2021


Yesterday in Kenosha, Wisconsin a judge and jury turned a gun on anyone in this country who dares to exercise their 1st amendment right to protest, specifically: if they are standing up for Black people and protesting against their unjust treatment. 

This is both a wrong and dangerous decision in Kenosha, Wisconsin and in Howard County, Maryland. I have no patience with anyone whose response is to tell those who dissent to “stay in their lane.” You know what’s in everybody’s lane?

  • Justice for the oppressed 
  • Rights to free expression and assembly 
I’m not surprised by this verdict but I am sick with anger and dread at its potential consequences. I mourn for the murdered and their families. I see the long arm of white supremacy yet again reaching into every community across the nation to reassert itself.

None of us are free.

“None of us are free”, Solomon Burke