Thursday, November 4, 2021

Here We Go Again


I’m never prepared for the swift onslaught of the Christmas/Holiday shopping season. You turn off your porch light on Halloween, eat a piece of candy, go to bed, and - - BOOM! Everything is red and green and decorated with tinsel. 

Shop, shop. shop. Buy, buy, buy.

On the other hand, this year we have been warned to be patient because of delays caused by supply chain issues. 


If you do holiday shopping - - and not everyone does - - you get to make your own decision about jumping into the season right away or warming up to it more gradually. But if you are worried about long delays for packages in transit the answer is clear: shop local.

Last year shopping from places like Amazon meant we didn’t have to expose ourselves to COVID. This year we may still be masked, but we are also vaccinated and that means patronizing local merchants is once again not only a convenient choice but a savvy one. Buying what you find on the shelf in our community negates the problems with supply chain issues.

It also supports your neighbors. 

Think creatively. Going down to the shops is one way to find what you are looking for, but not the only way. Gift certificates for experiences like massages, restaurant visits, and even purchases from independent artisans/makers are readily available options.

I will be compiling your recommendations for local holiday shopping again this year. Send me your best ideas. The more the merrier!

Two immediate recommendations come to mind. First, this Saturday is the Oakland Mills Annual Craft Fair.

It’s going to be sunny and clear, so if you have kids along you can add in a trip to the amazing new playground at Blandair. Don’t forget to stop by the Oakland Mills Village Center for something to eat.   Shopping can make you hungry.

Second, if you are the kind of person who likes to plan your shopping over Thanksgiving dinner, I have a suggestion: this year have your planning session over pie. Sweet potato pie.

The 3rd is again offering sweet potato pies from Chef Jamila for your Thanksgiving dessert. From their Facebook page:

It's that time of year again -- Pie time.  Get ready for The 3rd’s 2nd annual Thanksgiving Pie sale.  

We want to take some things off your plate. So we are making sure you order early to get @Chef_jamila_ 's pies on your plate for Thanksgiving!

There are a few options for purchasing Chef Jamila's homemade, unbaked, frozen Sweet Potato Pies:

- Pre-order one pie: $40

Get one pie for yourself and donate another to @columbiacommunitycare and @power52official: $75

- Donate a pie: $40

- Get as many pies as you want (no one's judging )

* Each pie comes with a handwritten Thanksgiving note*

Pre-order by November 17th.

Where: The 3rd, 10215 Wincopin Circle, Columbia, MD 21044

When: Pick up between 3 pm-6 pm on November 23rd or 24th

And if you forget to preorder, don't worry! Chef Jamila will be making a limited quantity of extra pies so that you can buy a pie day-of for $50.

Here’s the link to order:

I'm looking forward to hearing your tips for shopping local. In the meantime, I’m suddenly hungry for pie.