Sunday, October 2, 2022

Show Up for a Glow Up


In the same way that I’m intrigued by the concept of a Maryland Curiosity Bureau, I found myself drawn to this TikTok video by Ellicott City Pix:

Do you sometimes wish that you could fix up one of your old childhood toys to pass on to the next generation? Well, remember we have a doll doctor on Main Street in Ellicott City! It’s Brenda @AtticAntiquesEC! 

Restoring Childhood Treasures on Main Street, Ellicott City Pix

Like all things TikTok, it’s brief. Watch it. You may find yourself watching it several times. 

It’s an excellent example of how ECPix has moved from still photographs on Twitter to video vignettes with text and music on TikTok. The focus remains constant: Ellicott City, its glorious nature scenes and fascinating Main Street merchants. (You may recall that the creator of ECPix allowed me to post their Twitter series on local cupcakes as a blog post.  It was scrumptious.)

The fact that I am writing this post is as much due to my admiration of ECPix as it is to my fascination with Main Street’s Doll Hospital. I’m a fan. You can follow ECPix on Twitter and TikTok. They also have a YouTube account called Perspectives Ellicott City.

Now, back to restoring childhood treasures. I think many of us have passed this familiar sign on Main Street and smiled at the thought of a Doll Hospital. 

 Photo credit: Petula Dvorak, Washington Post

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s all about, let me suggest this 2000 article from the Baltimore Sun.

The Doll Doctor is in, Jamie Smith Hopkins, Baltimore Sun

“Dr. Brenda” - -  aka Brenda Franz of Attic Antiques N Things and Doll Hospital - -  is also featured in this 2021 piece by columnist Petula Dvorak in the Washington Post:  

A huge chunk of our small businesses died in the pandemic. We can help the survivors.

Some years ago I discovered that a bear that was precious to me had its face chewed off by mice. It was truly the stuff of horror films. I didn’t know how to fix him, so, he went in the trash. I wish I had known about Dr. Brenda back then. 

Maybe you have a childhood friend who needs some professional care?

Attic Antiques N Things is on Facebook. Their hours appear to be 12-5 daily. Dr. Brenda lists an email address on the Facebook page if you’d like to make an appointment for your loved one.

You can give your treasures a glow up for the next generation to cherish.   - - EC Pix