Thursday, October 13, 2022

Three More Things


I try to keep an eye out for new businesses in Columbia/HoCo. Today I’ve got three for you.

In the “coming soon” category:

Restaurant “Another Broken Egg Café” will be opening a new location in Elkridge. It will be their first in Maryland.  They specialize in “breakfast, brunch, lunch and signature cocktails,” with hours of operation looking to be 7 am to 2 pm. The new restaurant will be a part of  Howard Square. 

On the verge of opening is Backwater Books in Old Ellicott City. They’re already on the map. (Number 31) 

You can follow their progress on Instagram and Facebook. I’m a huge fan of noodling around in bookstores, especially independent bookstores, so I’m excited. 

Photo from Backwater Books, Facebook page

Finally,  a business that has just opened as of October 1st: It’s Neighbor Made, in Savage Mill. (8600 Foundry Street Savage MD, 20763) They describe themselves as “A store in Maryland focused on local, handsmade, sustainable, and unique items.”

It’s Neighbor Made comes to Howard County from Catonsville. From their website , “We’re more than a shop, we’re a community center.” In addition to selling a variety of handmade goods from local artisans, they also hold classes in ceramics. You can check them out on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok @itsneighbormade to find out more. Their Facebook page shows that they were very involved and supportive of the community in their former location, so I’m guessing they’ll do the same in Savage Mill. 

Have you discovered any new HoCoLocal businesses lately? Let me know.