Sunday, October 9, 2022

Signs of the Times


On Little Patuxent Parkway, on the property of what I think of as The Very Expensive Gas Station, an odd assortment of political signs appear to be having a wild party. If you have seen it, you know. If you haven’t, go take a look. It’s across from the Mall.

During campaign season local businesses may give permission, if they so choose, for candidates to place their signs on business property. If the business is located in a prime location, the candidate will probably place one of their larger signs. I have never chosen to patronize a business solely because of a political sign, nor have I avoided one for that reason. I came close during a certain Board of Education race but, to be honest, it was a business I wasn’t all that fond of to begin with.

I digress.

Political signs posted on commercial property tend to reflect a homogeneity of political viewpoints. All Republican, all Democrats, and so on. That’s why the assortment Downtown, along side the gas station, is so hilarious to me. It’s a free-for-all. I love it. I have a terrible to temptation to slip in something like this:

Perhaps the business owner decided it was the best way to keep the peace. Of course, it lacks the implication that usually exists that the business endorses a particular candidate or political party. Does that dilute its impact? Does it lose it caché if anyone can get permission?

The other political sign placement that has caught my eye is along Route 40, I think. There’s a big sign for Republican Allan Kittleman (and maybe one for Republican Sean McCurdy?) flanked by an eye-popping pink sports car with a big For Sale sign. I wish I had a photo of this for you but I don’t snap while I drive.


  • the signs came first, the owner is using them to get your eyes on the pink sports car.
  • the car came first and the campaigns thought it would draw eyes to their signs.
  • if you vote Republican you’ll be entered into a raffle to win the car.
  • Republicans like pink sports cars.
  • who buys pink sports cars?
Have you seen any remarkable political sign placing this season? Humorous? Headscratching? Worth commenting on?

What do you think?