Sunday, May 19, 2024

Maryland, My Maryland


I was thinking yesterday about how I’m not so interested in the Preakness. Or Wine in the Woods. I don’t consider myself superior to them in any way; they just don’t speak to me. That got me thinking about how I’m a transplant to Maryland and whether any of the typical Maryland things have found their way into my heart after all these years.

First off, how about some fairs? I don’t have anything against the Howard County Fair or the Maryland State Fair except the HEAT. I have been to both. Will I go again? Probably not. I’m not anticipating that summers will get any cooler.

Artscape is a fun and fascinating Baltimore event but the heat renders it impossible for me.

Howard County Pride is high on my list because it takes place in the Fall. Not too hot! The Flower Mart in Baltimore is an old favorite. I’m glad it’s still a happening thing, and: it’s in the Spring.

How about some Maryland-centric food items?

  • Berger cookies? Nope, too sweet.
  • Otterbein cookies? Yes! Those thin, crispy cut-out coookies are habit-forming.
  • Lemon sticks? Nope. Not a mint fan.
  • Snowballs? Absolutely! I was born for those things. My first child is probably made of snowballs.
  • Maryland crab soup? Tasty!
  • Picking crabs? Nah. Give me a whole lobster with drawn butter and lemon.
  • Old Bay? WHY??? Too salty.
  • Crab cakes. Not for me: too rich, and often too salty.
  • Scrapple? Uhhhh…undecided.
Please don’t run me out of town. I didn’t grow up here and my food tastes were developed elsewhere.

See also: I have no particular fondness for the Maryland state flag, at least, not in the way true locals seem to be enamored of it. I grew up with the state flag of Ohio, which is weird in its own quirky way, but, I don’t think people put it on clothing or assorted merch. At least they didn’t when I lived there.

I’ve been to Ocean City, prefer Rehoboth or Lewes. Ocean City is too peopley for me.

Wow, I’m a complete Maryland failure, aren’t I?

Wait. I love the Orioles and OPACY. That must count for something. I support local journalism and I stay informed about local government and community events. 

I love where I live and I’d stick up for Maryland in a heartbeat. I love being close enough to water that I can easily get to a beach or lake or Harbor views. I visited Western Maryland for the first time last summer and I really enjoyed it. 

Honestly, I love hearing the rest of you go on about how you love all things Maryland. It’s kind of like feeling that everyone in your family loves one another and that most things will eventually turn out all right. It’s a homey feeling.

Go ahead and enjoy Wine in the Woods or the Preakness if you want. Need a sober driver to pick you up? That might be a Maryland thing I could get into.

What’s your favorite Maryland thing?

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