Friday, June 21, 2024

F ³: Close to Home

 Just when I was getting all sentimental about Sunday’s Pops Concert at the Chrysalis…

The weather report for Sunday is grim.

We truly regret that due to expected high temperatures, we have cancelled the upcoming Columbia Orchestra Summer Pops Concert: Preludes and Possibilities, presented by Baltimore Washington Financial Advisors.

The temperature on Sunday, June 23, is expected to reach 98 degrees with 50% humidity and would be an unsafe environment for our guests, our staff, and our artists. 

We know you were looking forward to this incredible performance and we were thrilled to be working once again with the Columbia Orchestra.  While we regret cancelling any event, we take the safety of our guests and artists very seriously

We are actively working with the Columbia Orchestra to set a new date and hope very much that they will return to the stage this year and that you will be able to join us. - -  Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods

It’s absolutely the right choice both for the concert-going public and the musicians. Still, it’s a disappointment. I’ll keep you posted when I learn the new date. It’s always a great concert and it’s my idea of a quintessentially Columbia experience.


Heads up: I’m taking the day off tomorrow on the blog. If you have a Saturday community event you’d like boosted, tag Village Green/Town² and it should magically appear on the FB page. 


One last thing. Yesterday I managed to end up with one hearing aid instead of two after a hair appointment. I thought I’d put both of them in my purse. I checked inside the salon, they hadn’t seen it. 

I was having a no good, very bad day. My hair looked great, though.

I looked through my purse again, so did my spouse. I looked in my car, so did he. I contacted the salon and told them it was still missing, they looked again with no success.

An hour or so later I received a text from my hairdresser that the hearing aid had been found. A client heard the hairdressers talking about it, walked outdoors and found it in the parking lot. It was completely unharmed.

So, anyway, if you are looking for a new place to have your hair cut, styled, whatever…may I sugggest Willow & Oak Salon? 

You can learn more about what services they offer at their website. They’re also on Instagram. My stylist is Katie and I followed her to Willow and Oak from Floyd’s. I adore her because she knows exactly what I want and takes the time to get it right.

Obviously there are other stylists as well. Check them out if you’re looking for a new place.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Places, Please!


Howard County Summer Theater’s big production for 2024 opens this weekend. It’s “Guys and Dolls”, and will run for 7 performances at Marriotts Ridge High School. 

I went to last summer’s production, “Hello Dolly” and had a lot of fun. You can learn more about the mission of Howard County Summer Theater at their website, where you can also purchase tickets. A portion of the proceeds from ticket sales will go to local charities. 

Heads up: there’s road work going on out there. This helpful PSA comes from a cast member:

Are you coming to see Guys and Dolls? Here are a few transportation tips. Part of Marriottsville Road will be closed during our run (from Resort Road to US 40) and while you can "technically" still get to the school from Marriottsville Road North off of 70, you may want to avoid it all together and go down to 32 North. I've also included an image with info on parking (don't turn into the first parking lot; go to the second). Can't wait to see you there!

Also this weekend, more performances of the musical at DoodleHATCH - - “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” presented by Stand Up for…Theatre, 7 pm. (Tickets here.)

Stand Up for…Theatre presents "You're Good Man Charlie Brown" at the DoodleHATCH Interactive Art Museum, 8775 Cloudleap Court Columbia, MD 21045. Performances are June 21 & 22 at 7 PM and June  23 at 3 pm. Sunday matinee performances are sensory sensitive. (Link to purchase tickets)  adults $22, children/seniors/military $20. Group discounts are available. DoodleHATCH is handicap accessible.

And here’s a great review of the show by Amanda N. Gunther of TheatreBloom.

One more performance this weekend that has become one of my favorites of the summer: the Columbia Orchestra’s Pops Concert at the Chrysalis. It’s Sunday, June 23, from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM in Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods.

This year’s theme is “Preludes and Possibilities.” Tickets are free but you must register so they’ll know how many people to expect and how to best assign parking.

Presented by BWFA, don’t miss this fun and exciting musical journey filled with possibilities as the Columbia Orchestra, under the baton of guest conductor Victoria Gau, performs a captivating program of popular pops melodies. This remarkable afternoon will culminate with the historic announcement of the orchestra's next Music Director.

Register for your free tickets here. 

Image from Inner Arbor Trust

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Juneteenth: It’s Not About Me


Here are two local celebrations of Juneteenth that are happening today. Details are at the links:

At the Lakefront in Columbia.

At Caroll Baldwin Hall in Savage.

The observation of Juneteenth as a federal holiday is very new. President Biden signed it into law in 2021. The historical truth it rests upon is not new. It’s about slavery, period. The people who are experts in understanding that history are Black Americans. That can be uncomfortable for white people who are accustomed to feeling that pretty much everything centers around what we understand.

This year I’ve been actively looking for responses to Juneteenth that don’t come from people like me. This one made me realize what happens when the corporate world gets ahold of a concept that’s just too raw for them to articulate:

Maybe making Juneteenth a federal holiday was a mistake. Because what is this? - - Morgan Jerkins, Writer, Editor, Professor at Columbia University 

“In observance of Juneteenth, we will be closed this Wednesday, June 19, 2024. This day holds great significance as we celebrate and honor every individual whose efforts and sacrifices have contributed to the freedoms we enjoy today.”

Notice anything? There’s no slavery, no Black Americans of African descent, no national reckoning. This is an “All Lives Matter” corporate-speak announcement. Statements like this, which blandly erase history, are not merely “off the mark” or watered down. They cause actual harm because they are actively obscuring the truth of American history, most particularly the suffering and injustice of the enslavement of Black Africans by white Americans.

Who should get the day off on Juneteenth? The following statement made me think.

To be clear, white people should NOT be awarded the day off for Juneteenth.

But since “equality” (identical treatment) is a MUCH more easily attainable goal than “equity” (actual fairness), [even racist] white people get the day off, too.

Critical thinking is key to antiracism. - - Johnathan Perkins, Director: Race and Equity, UCLA

Clearly I can’t speak for all white people but I do think there’s a general sense that we don’t know what to do with ourselves around the concept and observance of Juneteenth. What I have been reading online is that Black people wish we could, at the very least, not get in the way. Not make it about ourselves.

The next post, also from Mr. Perkins, made me smile.

Here’s another useful parallel. White people should treat #Juneteenth celebrations like they’re someone else’s birthday. It’s a party. You should be excited. But y’all’s only real role is to offer gifts and wait to be invited to celebrations.

It’s not about us. Nobody owes us anything. So: then what?

If you’re looking to do something more than simply not getting in the way, there are some excellent lists out there to get you started. Here’s the beginning of one by Guimel Carvalho, Director of People and Culture and Amy Hogarth Director of Recruitment and Inclusion at the Wayside Youth and Family Support Network.

10 Things We Want White People to Do to Celebrate Juneteenth

1. We want white people to deeply consider the wound of racism on the hearts of every Black American.

2. On Juneteenth we want white people to read, study Black history, Black poets, Black leaders, Black achievements.

3. We want white people to do things about racism as readily as they do things for their own children.

Read all ten.  

Talk about them with your friends, your family, your coworkers. Locally, the Anti-Racist Education Alliance holds events year-round that foster learning around issues of equity and anti-racism.

UCLA has created a Juneteenth Equity Toolkit  which is an excellent resource if you are looking to learn more. 

From the introduction:

On June 19, 1865, enslaved people in Texas finally found out that they had been freed from bondage. Even though President Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation over two years earlier, Texas slaveholders had hidden that fact from the people they kept in chains. Since then, generations of Black Americans have celebrated the anniversary of that liberation as “Juneteenth”.

But even 155 years later — and as recent national events have powerfully demonstrated — we have learned that celebrating and recognizing that day is not enough. What can we do to truly acknowledge Juneteenth? How can we learn more about the day itself, especially its historical and current repercussions? And how can we take action and get involved — both on campus and beyond — in the hope of genuine reform?

We want white people to do things about racism as readily as they do things for their own children.

Do we?

Village Green/Town² Comments 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sticks, Leaves, and Touching Grass

After yesterday’s post you might be surprised to see this photo of students tackling a math problem.

Image from Glenwood Academy. Used with permission.

Take a closer look at the math problem.

They’re making “Stick Stew.”

Measuring, doubling, and halving ingredients for our 'Stick Stew'. Even basic recipes require math skills. Making recipes larger or smaller can take you even deeper into fractions, multiplication, and division! - - Glenwood Academy

As someone who had terrible experiences with math throughout my education, I thought, “Wow! That looks like fun!” 

As a career early childhood educator, I wondered, “But did they really get to go out and make ‘Stick Stew’ with real sticks?”

Glenwood Academy is described on the The Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities (MANSEF) website as follows:

GA embraces and empowers all students with language-based learning differences such as dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyslexia, and language processing difficulties. Through an engaging, multi-sensory, developmental, language-intensive curriculum, we work towards helping all of our students to evolve and discover his or her individual potential for greatness.

What caught my eye, of course, was the engaging presentation of the math lesson. What sparked my imagination was the potential for a multi-sensory experience with sticks and leaves. I don’t know if this particular lesson culminated in a hands-on nature experience, but GA’s social media posts document a curriculum filled with “engaging, multi-sensory, developmental, language-intensive” learning experiences.

Around the same time that I was contemplating this photo, I came across a quote from Chiara D’Amore, founder and CEO of the Community Ecology Institute:

At heart, I am an experiential environmental educator. I love little more than getting folks out into nature and helping them learn about why and how we should care for the ecosystem of which we are a part and on which we ultimately depend. And the true joy it brings people, especially in an age in which we spend so much time inside on screens, is some of the best medicine.

D’Amore illustrates this statement with photographs taken while engaging with students in CEI programs.

Images: Chiara D’Amore, used with permission 

And here’s how CEI describes its overall program goals: 

We create innovative, meaningful experiential education programs for people across the lifespan.

Although the missions of these two institutions may be quite different, I couldn’t get the juxtaposition of the two experiences out of my head. Both use materials from the natural world as a jumping off point. 

Clearly the Glenwood Academy’s example is more symbolic, using the mental image of Stick Stew to enliven a lesson in recalculating amounts in a recipe. D’Amore’s heartfelt description of CEI’s experiential learning in nature speaks to the discovery learning experiences that I’ve always loved the most in teaching early childhood classes.

Both illustrate ways in which traditional classroom education isn’t the only way to learn deeply and effectively. And also, that hands-on experiential learning isn’t just for “the littles.” 

Yesterday a response from a reader reminded me of the challenges presented by non-traditional learning environments.

To make project-based and inquiry learning possible, we have to slash our class sizes.

It’s true. These experiences rely on smaller groups, more adult-to-student interaction and relationship-building. That’s expensive. We keep hearing that our school systems can’t afford that.

Nevertheless, I’m writing about this here because I’m convinced that we need to find ways to incorporate these kinds of experiences into our kids’ lives. Not solely to support educational goals, but also, as Dr. D’Amore says:

…the true joy it brings people, especially in an age in which we spend so much time inside on screens, is some of the best medicine.

What do you think?

Monday, June 17, 2024

Don’t Ask That Question

 “What did you do on your summer vacation?”

Do you remember a time when the first days back to school in the fall were centered around that question? Classroom discussions and possibly the first essay assignment of the year were often rooted in the recounting of seeing fireworks or a family trip to the beach. 

These days it has become painfully clear that a question like this makes an assumption: of privilege. Many families struggle to get through the summer if both parents must work. Childcare is cobbled together or sometimes the older children are put in charge of the younger ones. Families who rely on school food programs during the school year face additional hardship.

When I was growing up the assumption in my neighborhood was that the kids “stayed home” and had fun playing during the summer. This really meant that the family could afford for Mom to be the full time caregiver during the summer months. In recent years I’ve seen that assumption grow to include a summer spent going to fun, themed camps - - not only for enrichment but also because both parents work. Still there is an assumption: that the family income will cover the cost of the camps. 

So the days when teachers routinely asked the summer vacation question are pretty much over (I hope) because it’s widely known that asking how a kid spends the summer can be shining a big and unwelcome spotlight on their family’s financial resources. It’s unkind and it’s unhelpful. There are plenty of other ways to break the ice and better prompts to elicit student writing. 

I’m thinking about this today because I came across a piece I wrote ten years ago about the best, most significant learning our youngest experienced every year. It was at summer camp.

Summer School, Village Green/Town², July 28, 2014

It is truly the high point of her year. She thrives in a total immersion environment of music, drama, art, and dance. Of all the worlds she must function in, this is the most meaningful.

To be blunt, our kid learned better at Summer Camp than in school.

She talks with us about what she is learning. She gets ideas. Creative ideas. She writes about them on the ipad. She gets ideas for other musicals, ideas for short stories based on musicals. The other evening she was excited about what you would need to do to adapt the musical "Bye Bye Birdie" to the present day. It led to a fascinating discussion about changes in our culture and in the popular music scene.

I think we tend to think that the academic year is all about “education” and that the summer is for “fun”. Not everyone is comfortable with that, however. There’s an entire industry that creates summer learning work books and educational summer camps lest all the learning drain out of our children during June, July, and August. 

I think it’s a mistake to assume that things that replicate the typical classroom experience are “real” learning. We miss the boat if we don’t understand how much kids are learning in summer camps that look nothing like “school” to us.

Project based learning. Hands-on learning. Multi-sensory learning. This is the most meaningful way for my child to learn, and for most of us, I think. Finding topics that truly interest students and allowing some choice in how to explore the subject matter is what fosters the creation of a self-directed learner. That should be our goal--self-motivation, learning how to learn, and the joy inherent in true, deep learning.

Within Howard County the next few months will contain many different kinds of summer vacations. I don’t presume to know what is best for every kid and I certainly don’t know what works for every family. 

I do hope that, in some way, our kids get to connect with something meaningful to them, something that makes them laugh, something that brings them joy. 

Because that’s learning, too.

Village Green/Town² Comments

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dragon Boats and Community Outreach

For an event announcement and a confession, read on.

From the Chinese American Parent Association of Howard County:

Looking for a fun summer activity for your kids or a delightful evening for the whole family? Join us at CAPA's annual Dragon Boat Festival, June 16th from 4-8PM  at the Dancel YMCA in Ellicott City! Enjoy Asian food, cultural activities, performances, a moon bounce, magic show, twisted balloon art, Asian games, and much more. 

Images from CAPA-GC social media

True confession: all this time I have been thinking that actual dragon boats would be a part of this event. My assumption, as embarrassing as it is for me to admit, is that the dragon boats would be…in the pool at the Y. Alas, the schedule of events does not indicate that this is so.

This is where a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. I’m familiar with dragon boats largely because of the Baltimore Dragon Boat Club.  What I had not done, until this morning, was any basic research on the Chinese holiday known as Dragon Boat Festival. From a website for children:

The Dragon Boat Festival is a folk festival integrating worship of gods and ancestors, praying for good luck and warding off evil spirits, celebrating, entertainment and eating. - - Duanu Festival Facts for Kids

This evening’s event appears to be focused on the cultural aspects of the festival rather than on boat racing. There will be performances, activities, and food to enjoy. The event is a part of CAPA’s community outreach.:

The Chinese American Parent Association of Howard County provides three core services: Family & Youth Education, Community Outreach, and Civic Engagement.

Have you ever been to this event in years past? I’d love to know more.

To learn more about the Chinese American Parent Association of Howard County, visit their website.

Village Green/Town² Comments

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Summer Vacation Saturday


Happy Saturday! And, happy first day of summer vacation for those who celebrate. How about starting it off at a local Market? 

Maple Lawn Farmers Market, Maple Lawn Boulevard, 9 am - 1 pm

There’s a craft fair at Historic Oakland from 10 - 3 pm.

At Savage Mill there’s a Bluegrass Festival from 12 - 5 pm. (Tickets here)*

In Dorsey’s Search they are having an event called a Meet, Greet, and Eat Festival from 1-3 pm. The image below lists a variety of summer events to be held at the Kimco village centers. 

Black Flag Brewing Company is celebrating their 8th anniversary, 12 - 11 pm.

Mary’s Land Farm is having a Summer Solstice Kick-off Party from 12 - 9 pm.* 

You can take in some musical delights at “The Almost Famous Revue” to support Columbia Pro Cantare: First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 6 pm. (Tickets here)*

The movie at the Wine Bin tonight is ET, 9 - 11 pm.

There’s a musical at DoodleHATCH - - You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, presented by Stand Up for Theatre, 7 pm. (Tickets here.)

And, of course, Lakefest is all weekend long.

Finally, the local event that caught my eye purely because I’ve never seen anything like it before:

Adult Singles Pickleball Mingle, Dill Dinkers, 7 - 10 pm  Must be 21+. You may need to be a member to attend, I couldn’t figure that out. 

Is pickleball a good way to meet a potential romantic partner? I would not know. Shared interests are key, so: maybe? I met my spouse singing in a church choir; my knowledge of sporty things is limited.

What’s on your Saturday schedule?

Village Green/Town² Comments

*Denotes that these are ticketed/$ events. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

F ³: Where’s the Phone?


Today’s post is about mental images and cognitive flexibility. First, an anecdote for context:

As a newlywed, I adored my food processor. Back then I cooked everything from scratch and it was one of the wedding presents that got frequent use. So, I tried to talk my mother into getting one. She was still chopping everything in a wooden chopping bowl. Her resistance amazed me.

"How do you make sure that the plastic pusher-thing doesn't get sliced off by the blades?" She asked, doubtfully.

"It doesn't! Trust me! And besides, do you think they could successfully market something that got sliced up as soon as you used it?"  I wasn't very patient with her line of thinking.

She got a food processor. But she never really used it. It sat on the kitchen counter looking sparkly and new. And she continued to use her wooden chopping bowl.

I won the battle, but I lost the war. - - Challenging Our Assumptions, Village Green/Town², March 21, 2013

One of the things about aging that I have dreaded is the loss of cognitive flexibility. Now, I’m not using that term in its most accurate sense . What I mean is the difficulty in seeing things in new ways while the world is changing around you. Probably a lot of that has to do with having such firm mental images of “how things ought to work” that there is no more room for creating new ones. 

No, I’m not a neuroscientist. This is purely armchair observation and theorizing. And I should add that age isn’t always a predictor of this. Some older folks retain that flexibility and I’ve seen others get mentally stuck in high school or college. 

This week I had an experience which felt like my Food Processor Moment. I was trying to reach my primary care provider. But I did not know what magic words to say to get to the telephone of right person at the right desk. 

Until very recently my doctor was in a small practice of two doctors. If I called I knew I would be speaking to one of the two people behind the desk who always greeted me when I came into the office. I knew the protocol for asking questions, making appointments, requesting a call back from the doctor, and so on.

My new primary care provider is a part of an enormous, multi-location system. The medical care from both providers: excellent. The protocol for reaching someone by telephone couldn’t be more different.

I feel cast adrift. My brain tells me I should be speaking to “Dr. So and So’s office.” 

That doesn’t exist. 

There’s one main number and whoever answers has a computer and I guess they have access to my medical files. It occurred to me this week that they may not even be located in the building where I see my doctor. As long as they can connect easily to the people and information necessary, why would their work location be important?

It is breaking my brain.

I have suddenly become my mother, who for years made the employees at the post office smile when she came in to buy “penny post cards.”

I want to know who the person is that I’m calling, and know that they have a working relationship with my doctor, and that they have at least a vague memory of seeing me in the office. Instead I feel as though I am interacting with the same kind of anonymous call center that turns all of us into tiny cogs in a giant machine. I’m sure it’s all about efficiency. Isn’t it always?

To be clear: everyone I’ve dealt with on the phone has been helpful. But I’m beginning to realize that they understand how it all works and I…I just don’t. I often feel like I’m not even asking the right questions to get the information I’m looking for.

I no longer “speak the language.”

I knew that transitioning to a new primary care provider after many years might be challenging. I had no idea how much I’d miss the person who picked up the phone when I called.

Village Green/Town² Comments

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Food Fad? Or Old Favorite?


Been to any parties lately? It’s big-time graduation season right now. Weddings abound, Father’s Day is coming up…

Have you seen one of these on a party buffet?

Image from TouchĂ© Touchet social media 

When I spotted this post from HoCoLocal bakery TouchĂ© Touchet this morning I must admit I was a bit startled. Do people still eat cookie cakes? Are they even “a thing?”

Aren’t all the cool kids choosing from assorted mini Bundt cakes at this season’s parties? Or perhaps oohing and ahhing over customized cookies from a cottage bakery, glossy with icing like a satin evening gown?

Until I saw this photo I hadn’t thought about cookie cakes in quite some time. I remember buying one for a family birthday a good while back. At the time the only place I knew that made them was at the Mall in Columbia. You know the one - - near the foood court.

Image from a Google search

In my mind, cookie cakes were one of those food trends that become very popular so as to almost be ubiquitous and then gradually fade away. These days that happens far more quickly than it used to. (One wonders how long we will be seeing Nashville Hot Chicken restaurants popping up before their heyday is yesterday’s news.)

As long as we are engaging in a bit of time travel, I might as well take you to the first place I ever saw a cookie cake. 

Chanticleer, from a postcard 

This is Chanticleer, a little restaurant in South Hadley, Massachusetts where one could get breakfast and lunch. They also had a booming business making and selling personalized cookie cakes to the nearby college, where I was a first-year student in 1979. They were affordable enough that you could chip in with friends and get one for a special event. 

They were certainly new and trendy to me. 

The little restaurant is no longer there. The college, as the song says, “forever shall be” - - or at least I hope it will. I don’t know if cookie cakes are even heard of on college campuses anymore. 

Back in the day South Hadley was no larger than a pocket handkerchief and boasted two restaurants, a bookstore, and a bank. If you didn’t have a car, and most of us didn’t, you were limited in your off-campus choices (if you didn’t want to lug whatever you purchased on the Five College Bus run to nearby Amherst, UMass, Hampshire or Smith.)

All of this is to say that those cookie cakes from Chanticleer were a really big deal back then. I wonder what the equivalent food item would be today? 

If you have never stopped being a fan, it’s good to know some local folks are still making them.

Do you have any local food memories of fads/crazes/trends? I’d love to hear them.

Village Green/Town² Comments

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bag of Tricks, Revisited

How about a visit to my handy-dandy bag of tricks this morning? I feel certain there are some odds and ends in there…

1. New restaurants on the HoCo scene: Crimson Coward, Honeygrow, Ranazul, Soluna Cocina, Smashing Grapes. FYI: Honeygrow opens Friday, Ranazul is locally known but opening in a new location.

3. HoCo has a “Craft Brew Trail”? Apparently. And remember: please don’t drink and drive. 

4. If you’re a parent struggling to get to the end of the school year, so is Leslie Gray Streeter of the Baltimore Banner. This one is is funny and excruciatingly honest. You’re not alone, parents.

5. It seems as though every organization in town wants you to take their engagement survey. Right now. What’s up with that? Is June National Engagement Survey Month?

Any other local news I should know? Fill me in. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Your Summer Starts Here: 2024


Friday is the last day of school in Howard County. It’s a half day. It’s also the beginning of Lakefest, the free Columbia Festival weekend whose catchphrase has long been:

Your summer starts here.

I’m sensing some synchronicity.

Lakefest is present by the Columbia Festival of the Arts (supported by many local partners.)  The fun kicks off at 5:00 pm on Friday with a performance by LJR on the Lake Stage. Hours for the festival are as follows: Friday, June 14: 5:00 pm – 10:30 pm, Saturday, June 15: 11:00 am – 10:30 pm, Sunday, June 16: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm.

What you’ll find:

The Columbia Festival returns to the Downtown Columbia Lakefront with its FREE LakeFest Weekend featuring three days of live music*, an invitational fine arts & crafts show, kids’ entertainment and crafts, a variety of activities for all ages, and fabulous festival food fare.

Here’s a handy dandy map of the festivities. (What? No People Tree?) 

Important info for those who will be driving:

Free parking (including Accessible Parking) available nearby at the Wincopin Circle parking garages. Visitors can also park at the Sterrett Place lot located at 5575 Sterrett Place. PLEASE DO NOT PARK AT WHOLE FOODS MARKET.

A schedule of events:

Columbia Festival of the Arts is on Facebook and Instagram and they’ve been providing daily posts leading up to the big Lakefest Weekend, including information about food vendors, participants in the juried arts and crafts show, and more.  Take a look and see what might interest you.

At the moment, weather predictions look hopeful. Keep your fingers crossed.

Do you plan on visiting Lakefest this weekend? Do you have any favorite memories of Lakefests past? Let me know.

Village Green/Town² Comments

*You can learn more about the line up of musical performers here