Friday, September 13, 2024

F ³: Can We Fix It?

As we begin to see some rather well-known Republican figures endorse the Democratic presidential ticket  there has been some back and forth amongst Democrats about how we should feel about this. On the one hand, some of these folks have been lauded for putting country above party. On the other hand, some have a track record of being so reprehensible that it is hard to feel good about their support.

I can’t begin to claim I know the motivation of any of these people and it would be silly to do so. 

One thing that’s been on my mind is the notion that for Republicans, the only viable option to irrevocably separate their party from Trump and begin the process of loosening the stranglehold of MAGA politics is for Harris/Walz to win resoundingly in November. Perhaps some of these folks do have a noble intent but maybe for some it’s more akin to chewing one’s leg off when caught in a trap. 

Imagine. The best way for these Republicans to “get their party back” is to smash it with the Democratic Party.

Obviously I believe that the Democratic candidates offer the better ideas and have a better overall track record in governing. But it’s likely that for some Republicans a choice to vote Democratic this November may be based on expedience alone. We do not necessarily need to make role models out of them - - and it would be stupid to mock them - - but honestly we are all better off when any voter can look at Donald Trump and his ideology and reject what they offer.

There’s just one thing…(enter Detective Columbo.)

Much has been made of the recurring role of Democratic leadership in straightening out the economy following Republican administrations. The pattern is well documented over the course of many years. As much as Republicans rail against tax and spend Democrats, the evidence shows that economy consistently does better with Democrats at the helm and much worse under Republicans.

It has become rather predictable and frankly exhausting to keep seeing this play out (not to mention the burden on each newly elected Democratic administration needing to wade in to the mess left to them by their Republican predecessors.) And now we are seeing Republicans essentially use Democrats to beat off the poisonous part of their own party that they have been unable to overcome on their own.

Well, it’s a service we’re happy to provide. I guess?

If there are good Republicans, principled Republicans, truly believing in democracy Republicans - - why weren’t they able to thoroughly reject Trump and his ilk? Where are their better ideas and better candidates? And why weren’t they strong enough to prevail over MAGA ideologues?

That’s for historians to sort out, I suppose. In the meantime, if the Republican Party has anything valuable to contribute to American democracy their best chance is to overwhelmingly defeat Donald Trump in November.

Village Green/Town² Comments

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