Tuesday, September 17, 2024

On the Road Again


In honor of yet another morning of the ol’ Car Switcheroo at my house, let’s take this show on the road. I received a message yesterday with the words: 

There’s got to be a blog post in this!

Clarksville Cow Cuddling! And they’re on Instagram. Their website indicates that they’re an independent business that operates out of Mary’s Land Farm (technically Ellicott City?)

Meet Snap, Crackle, Captain, Crunch, Pebbles, and Little Rock for cuddles, brushing, and feeding. Great for toxic stress relief and animal assisted therapy activities.

It’s not just about the cows, though. You may book sessions with cows, calves, bunnies, and…unicorns?

It was my understanding that cuddling with a unicorn was possible only if one possessed certain personal attributes. 

Anyway, this looks like another one of those activities which could be fun if you are not allergic to everything. Stick this in the file along with Goat Yoga. Or Cat Cafés.

Next up, these on the road photos were taken (by a passenger) in Oakland Mills last night and I was shocked, just shocked.

Yes, that’s the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile traveling on Stevens Forest Road towards the Ice Rink at the Oakland Mills Village Center. Why was I shocked? Well, it isn't exactly a usual sight. More than that, I realized that I had a preconceived notion that the Weinermobile was a daytime phenomenon. A nine to five gig, if you will.

Was I thinking that it “rested” at night? Um…maybe?

Even more shocking, it turns out there isn’t just one amazing Weinermobile. There are six of them. Really? Now you’re going to tell me that there’s more than one Santa.

Anyway, it’s in the area for these upcoming stops: 

You can catch it at the Laurel Walmart on Thursday. 

As for me, I haven’t seen anything unusual on the road lately but there was that time I encountered this monstrosity on 95 South…

…a car pulling some kind of wooden boat on wheels. In the boat was an enormous octopus sculpture with black tentacles hanging out over the edges and a huge blue head. The car pulling the boat had a hammerhead shark on top and possibly mounted weapons (like spear guns?) facing forwards on the hood. 

I’m still recovering.

Seen anything noteworthy on the road lately?

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