Sunday, September 8, 2024

Yeah - - No

Here they are, folks! All the things I won’t be writing about this morning:

  • Casual racism in everyday life and where you least expect it
  • The intractable nature of the “cell phones in school” conversation 
  • What people on Twitter are saying about concert venues in the suburbs
  • Have they gotten to the Long Reach side of Blandair Park yet?
  • HCC has gone through a rebranding process and has new logos. Why?
All worthy topics and perhaps someone else will write about them today because, at my house, all signs point to no. Some days the old brain refuses to budge. What can I say?

It looks like it’s going to be a gorgeous fall day. Perhaps I need to get outside. Maybe the cool weather and sunshine will help reset my brain. It could happen.

Have a wonderful Sunday. Got any good local ideas? 

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