Sunday, March 12, 2023

Home Improvement


There’s a street in my village that is the home of some creatively renovated original Columbia houses. Every time my errands take me that way I have to fight the urge to slow down and drink it all in. This street is far enough off the beaten path that you might say it’s “a place that time forgot”, but, unlike Lake Woebegon, the decades have definitely improved it. 

I thought about this street when I saw a recent announcement from Howard County Government’s Housing and Community Development Department.

Reinvest * Renovate * Restore

Housing Repair Program

Who is eligible?

• You must be a Howard County homeowner

• Own and occupy the home as your principal residence

• Can be single family, townhouse or condo

• All mortgage, property taxes, HOA/condo fees, and hazard insurance payments must be current

Loan Terms

• Maximum loan amount is $40,000

• Interest rate shall not exceed 2%

• Maximum term is 30 years

Department of Housing & Community Development - To apply visit and complete the Pre- Application.

Full program guidelines and income eligibility requirements can also be found on our website.


Funding availability based on annual budget allocation.

These loans are available for homes throughout Howard County. But at the moment I’m thinking about older housing stock in Columbia that could really use a boost. To be clear, these loans are not intended to turn an ordinary house into a McMansion or anything of the sort. 

The housing repair loan program can help income eligible Howard County homeowners make necessary repairs to their homes. The housing repairs can be done to meet local housing codes for health and safety conditions. Repairs may include, but are not limited to: heating and air systems, electrical wiring, plumbing, roofs, windows, doors, painting and landscaping. Cosmetic upgrade items may also be eligible.  This program can help homeowners stay in their homes, address outstanding maintenance and repair items and improve overall neighborhood appearance.

It also can help residents make their homes safer for aging in place.

This housing repair loan program can also assist homeowners with repairs or improvements to assist with mobility, hearing, or vision issues. These repairs can help make it easier to get in or around the home. Ramps, chair lifts, or grab bars are just some of the modifications that can be made through the program for eligible households.

When I served on the Oakland Mills Village Board part of our job was to assess cases where a residence was in violation of the residential architecture guidelines. It often seemed to me that many of these cases were rooted in the homeowner not being able to afford to make the required repairs to bring their home into compliance. We were tasked with overseeing a system of consequences to be imposed on residents for noncompliance but we didn’t have any tools to assist residents and enable them to comply.

It felt punitive when I wished it could be more of a partnership. But, that’s just the way it was.

This loan program won’t be able to help everyone. And honestly, some folks need grants more than loans. But I think it could do a lot of good (and not just in Columbia.) That’s why I wanted to boost their signal and help to get the information out. 

You may have a neighbor for whom this program could be a godsend. Or, it could be you or someone you work with. Spread the word. 

RRR: Reinvest * Renovate * Restore

Village Green/Town² Comments 

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