Sunday, December 22, 2024

A Moment to Remember

I subscribe to a number of local newsletters. On a good week I read them all, or, I try to. This week, in the Downtown Columbia Partnership newsletter, I was sad to learn of the passing of two women whose involvement in the local scene was both long-term and significant.

In Memoriam

Two long serving community leaders associated with Downtown Columbia – Lin C. Eagan and Linda S. Wengel – passed away recently.

Lin Eagan, a popular real estate agent who died Nov. 26, served on the Town Center Village Board, the Columbia Association Board of Directors, and as board member and chair of the Inner Arbor Trust. She was also a former board member and chair of the Community Foundation of Howard County. A service is planned for Lin Eagan in January.  More information will be forthcoming.

Linda Wengel also was a former member and chair of the Town Center Board of Directors and was active in the League of Women Voters. She was a regular attendee and speaker at public meetings, particularly those associated with the development of Downtown Columbia and on issues of affordable housing. There will be a Celebration of Life for Linda Wengel on Thursday, Dec. 19, 11 a.m., at Carriage House, 5410 Leaf Treader Way. An obituary is available here.  - - Downtown Columbia Partnership News, December 17, 2024

I knew Lin Eagan through her work as the Chair of the Inner Arbor Trust. 

She was honored at a concert at the Chrysalis in September of 2022 when she concluded her service to the Trust. (See above.) Ms. Eagan was fiercely committed to the mission of Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods as a place for everyone. If you’ve ever enjoyed any time in the park then you have been a part of what she believed in and advocated for.

I never met Ms. Wengel but she was a long time reader of the blog. She frequently posted thoughtful comments and would sometimes send me emails with follow up questions and pertinent information. She was the kind of reader that makes writing a blog more fun. Her input and interest often provided me a jumping off point to learn something new.

Both of these women gave of themselves to make the community a better place. I hope we are growing more people like them for the future.

A shout-out to the Downtown Columbia Partnership for taking the time to remember and honor them this week.   

Village Green/Town² Comments

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