A brief tribute this morning to a group of women I will call the Mominators, for want of a better term. I have been incredibly lucky this year to fall in with a group of wonderful moms who are going through the travails of having a middle school daughter with me. They have become my go-to group for any number of questions.
Whether the topic is teen behavior, a question about a difficult teacher, community issues, local politics, or changes in the school system, I know I have someone to talk to. Just as we hope our daughters have a support network of friends to get them through the difficult years, we need that, too.
The other night the conversation turned musical. What is the song that makes you think most about your spouse? Best breakup song? Song whose message you would choose for your daughter? After a while it was clear we were sharing the most precious playlists of our lives.
As a teenager I was so obsessed with myself and my own problems that I don't think I was very good at making friends and being a friend. As I enter into the maelstrom of having a teen daughter (for the second time!) I find that I now have a lifeline, a beacon in the storm. Now matter how tough the challenge, we will get through it.