Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Life Everlasting

On Thursday, March 27th, Lisa B. Mrs. S. wrote: This Post Is A Little Bit About Dennis Lane. The title leapt out at me and I have been carrying it around in my heart ever since.


Well, because every post I have written since Dennis has been gone has had a little bit of him within it. And I know I am not alone. Those of us whose lives were touched by his exuberance, insight, and wit carry a piece of him and it infuses our work. Whether in a blog, a morning jog or race, a song strummed on a guitar, a political campaign, or act of community service, our lives are a little bit (or a lot) about Dennis Lane.

Yesterday, on her birthday, my friend Mickey posted these words:

Some people are, "...like ghost stars, still shining their light upon us long after they are gone." - Neil deGrasse Tyson, from Cosmos

Although it wasn't her intent, the words made me think of Dennis. And what Lisa wrote. And the horrible void I felt when Harry Schwarz said to the blogging community, "You have big shoes to fill."

Now, almost a year later, I realize it is not his shoes we have to fill, but rather it is the amazing way that he has come to fill parts of us. And that we recognize that, and honor it.