Take a look at the photos from Saturday's rally for the old (Cy Paumier) Symphony Woods park plan. As the old controlled vocabulary readers would say,
Look, look, look!
See, see, see!
Are you ready? Who do you see? No, really. This is a test. Look at the pictures. I'll wait.
These photographs are shocking in their complete absence of generational diversity. To give you an idea of what I mean, I'm going to run down a list of the kind of people I know and hang out with in Columbia:
- Kids under the age of five.
- Elementary aged kids.
- Middle school kids.
- (We don't socialize with many high schoolers, but my husband teaches them daily. Same with college-age kids, the ones we know are primarily my husband's former students.)
- Twenty-somethings making their start in Columbia.
- Folks in their thirties and forties: parents, bloggers, community activitists, school volunteers, some getting involved in politics.
- Folks in their fifties--more of the same but perhaps less school stuff and more politics.
- Active, involved sixty and seventy/somethings who love Columbia and are excited about its future.
These are my friends. These people are Columbia. And NONE of them are in the picture. What kind of a plan for the future of Symphony Woods doesn't include them and doesn't care?
If you care, speak up. One narrow slice of the community wants to take away the voice of diversity that the People Tree was meant to represent. If you don't speak up, you are giving your voice away.
Vote in your Village Election, and vote for the candidate who advocates for all generations in Columbia.