Sunday, April 27, 2014

This I Believe


I believe

In neighbors who say hello, and smile,

help you dig out after the big snow, and

in the Dogfish 60-minute that comes in a heartbeat

at the Second Chance.

I believe in the beautiful photographs of nature

shared by friends who love our community

and the love of farms and local food that

opens our eyes to bounteous living.

I believe in moms who fiercely support their kids

and who stand up to power

when decision-makers

are wrong.

I believe in music and the arts, and in teachers who

talk the talk and walk the walk,

every single day.

I believe in friends who care and work for change,

serve, share, write, talk, listen, think,

and believe

when others do not care or understand.

On days when heartbreak

threatens faith,

and disillusionment clouds our precious truths, I


I think

about what I can believe

and do believe

and will believe.

I treasure what is beautiful

so that the darkness

cannot consume me.




While today's title is borrowed, the ideas expressed are my own. --jam