Friday, January 8, 2016

Ripped from the Headlines!

Well, more like Friday Links*, actually. Just got a little excited there.

Headline: After fire and mold, Glenwood Middle students to be relocated.

To my knowledge this is the first news headline that assumes mold as a given, rather than "worries of mold", "suspicion of mold", and others of the like. Although moving students off-site in response to the fire damage may take the focus off of the school building, I have a hunch that there's plenty of mold-related news out there ready to break.

Headline: George Wallace's family, former staff: Donald Trump is doing what he did.

Remember that piece I did on demagoguery? It seems I wasn't too far off the mark.

Headline: Move to gender-neutral graduation dress sparks debate in Howard County.

This is an excellent move by the school system. Wearing a graduation robe is a sign of academic achievement. It has absolutely nothing to do with gender. We don't have boy diplomas and girl diplomas. But if you read the comments on this article you'd see that there are some people who think you should consult your "boy parts or girl parts" before choosing a graduation robe. Ugh. (As an aside, there was a conversation about this on the Clarksville Happenings Facebook Page, and it was refreshingly open-minded.)

Finally, I saw this tweet from an (unnamed) high school last night:

High School Tweet: AP Scholars - wear your scarves tomorrow (Fri) for the Step It Up Expo!

I find the push to make high school students pile on multiple AP classes concerning, and something about this tweet brought to mind the old Soviet Days of the Young Pioneers. And that made me very glad indeed that we have candidates running for the Board of Education who are willing to look beyond the AP hype and consider what is truly best for our kids.

Have a great weekend and think snow. Isn't it about time for a little?




*H/T HoCoRising