- First Responders
- Challengers running for the Board of Education
- Everyone helping in any way with the Old Ellicott City recovery
- Sandy Cederbaum, amazing Village Manager in Oakland Mills
- Barbara Kellner of Columbia Archives, gearing up for Columbia's 50th
To be honest, there are so many things I find outrageous right now that a moment to look at what I'm grateful for is in order. It's all in one's perspective, right? I still wake up every day in a nice home in a comfortable bed with a loving family. I live in a community that allows me to be involved and express my views.
Oh! One more thing to be grateful for: the Chysalis project in Merriweather Park/Symphony Woods is coming along nicely and posting daily updates. The future of Columbia isn't something that's going to happen at some date far out in time. It's happening now.
What's on your list today?